自1980年10月以来用放射免疫双抗法测定了14~43周正常孕妇血清AFP 794例、羊水AFP434例,建立了本实验室各孕周血清及羊水AFP的测定值。并对85例异常妊娠(胎儿先天异常17例、多胎31例、死胎25例、滋养叶细胞肿瘤12例)作了测定,并报告了测定结果。对411例各孕周羊水/母血清AFP的比值作了测定,两者的比值是随着妊娠进展而逐渐下降的。从14~15孕周时的318,下降到36~43孕周时近于1.95例足月分娩孕妇中发现脐血清AFP值高者,其母血清AFP值也相对增高,间接证明母血清AFP来自胎儿。
Alpha-fetoprotein(AFP)values were determined by double antibody radioimmunoassay in 794 serum specimens and 434 amniotic fluid specimens of normal pregnant women during 14-43 weeks of gestation.AFP values were also determined in 85 abnormal pregnancies,including 17 cases with fetal congenital abnormality,31 multiple pregnancies,25 intrauterine deaths and 12 trophoblast tumors.The weekly values of amniotic fluid/maternal serum AFP ratio were determined in 411 cases,showing that they were decreasing while the gestational weeks increased,and the ratio declined from 318 at 14-15 weeks to almost one at 36-43 weeks.In 95 normal pregnancies,it was found that whenever there was high level of AFP in the cord blood at birth,the maternal serum level of AFP was also proportionally high,indicating that the maternal serum AFP was mainly derived from the fetus.
Shanghai Medical Journal