This article presents the experience in angiographie diagnosis of 21 cases of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage,including 18 cases of lateral type,1 case of medial type and 2 cases of subcortical type hematoma.The x-ray appearance of the hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage is an avascular space occupying lesion.In the lateral type,the lenticulostriate arteries are displaced medially and the Sylvian segment of the middle cerebral artery displaced laterally,forming an avascular area.In the medial type,both the lenticulostriate arteries and the anterior choroidal artery are displaced laterally.The subcortical hematoma is usually the result of lateral or medial type hemorrhage and is seen as a large avascular space occupying lesion in the temporal lobe.Extravasation of contrast media,rupture of the hematoma into the ventricular system and the decending uncal herniation of the temporal lobe usually suggest that the condition is very serious and emergency surgery is indicated.
Shanghai Medical Journal