

How the Liyang Shi Clan Structured Their Lineage--Take Shi's Ancestor Inscriptions as a Clue
摘要 中古宗族如何过渡为宋以降的新宗族是中国宗族史研究中一个重要而颇具争议的问题,中晚唐溧阳史氏宗族组织的形成则为这一问题提供了一个新的观察窗口。溧阳史氏在中晚唐时期围绕共同的祖先展开了一系列的宗族构造活动:一方面出仕和留居溧阳的史氏族人始终保持着祭祀、纪念远代祖先的传统,并因溧阳地区流传已久的史崇信仰得以修建始祖史崇祠庙,从而突破祭祀等级限制,祭及始祖,敬宗收族;另一方面,史氏积极展开宗族组织的建设,到重修始祖祠庙的中晚唐时期,史氏已经建设成一个包括“诸院弟侄”等众多成员,并设有族长、诸枝长、宗录、宗正等宗族职务予以管理的颇具规模的实体性宗族组织。这一宗族组织在宋代又进一步地发展完善。唐宋间史氏宗族组织的沿袭与变化未尝不可作为唐宋宗族转型的一个注脚。 The Liyang Shi clan originated from the Shigong family in the Western Han Dynasty.And Shichong,the ancestor of the clan,moved to Liyang during the reign of Emperor Guangwu in the Easterm Han Dynasty,children and grandchildren had lived here ever since.During the Wei,Jin and Southerm Dynasties,Shi was only a small surmame in a county and failed to enter the ranks of gentry.At the end of the Sui Dynasty,the clan moved south due to wars.In the early Tang Dynasty,the Shi clan returned to Liyang.Under the activities of Shi Yuandao,Shi Wuzi,Shi Hui and others,Xuancheng Junwang was gradually formed,which was recorded in Yuanhe Xingzuan(《元和姓纂》)。At the same time,some branches of the clan began to be centralized.But this didn't mean the separation of the Shi clan organization.The Shi clan members who went to official positions and stayed in Liyang always maintained the tradition of sacrificing and commemorating the ancestors of the distant dynasties,and because of the Shichong beliefs in Liyang area,they were able to sacrifice to the ancestors and organized the clan.In the middle and late Tang period when the ancestor temple was rebuilt,the Shi clan had formed a large-scale entity that included many members such as the“Zhuyuandizhi(诸院弟侄)”,and had Zongzhang(宗长),Zhuzhizhang(诸枝长),Zonglu(宗录),and Zongzheng(宗正)and etc.to manage clan.This is inseparable from Shi's clan activities that had been around ancestors for a long time.
作者 王迪 Wang Di
出处 《中国社会历史评论》 2022年第2期16-31,296,共17页 Chinese Social History Review
关键词 唐代 溧阳史氏 宗族构造 祖先祭祀 祖先祠庙 Tang Dynasty Liyang Shi's family ancestor sacrifices clan structure
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