

A Social Historical Study of the Charitable Ferries in Southern Shaanxi in Qing Dynasty
摘要 义渡是一项便民济渡的地方公益事业,在乡村社会中承担着重要的交通职责。官员、士绅、僧道、商民乃至地方大族富户等地方精英常常捐钱置地,创设义渡。方志和碑刻等地方历史文献表明,因地貌特征不同,清代陕西义渡有明显的地域和时段差异。陕南地区的义渡无论从数量、分布范围上,还是管理水平、维持时间上都远远超过关中和陕北地区。道光以后,汉水及其各支流的义渡大都是通过官捐或民捐两种方式置田兴办而成,船桥会等民间组织的出现以及义渡条规的出台标志着义渡管理体系的健全与完善,地方官以建坊赠匾的方式表彰义渡善举,也深刻体现着在地方社会治理时国家意志的某些痕迹。 The Charitable ferrieswerethetraffic facilities set by the local people or local government for people to cross the rivers or lakes.They played an important role in the rural society.Local elites,such as officials,gentries,monks,merchants and even wealthy local families,often donated money or bought land to set up charitable ferries and to maintain the operation of the ferries with land rental income.Local historical documents such as local chronicles and inscriptions showed that due to different geomorphological features,there were obvious regional and temporal differences in Charitable ferries of Shaanxi Province in Qing Dynasty.The number,management level,distribution range and maintenance time of charitable ferries in southern Shaanxi were far more than those in the central Shaanxi plain and northern Shaanxi.After theDaoguang period,most of the charitable ferries of the Han River and its tributaries were set up by means of official donation and people’s donation.The appearance of management organizations such as the Charitable Ferries Association and the publicationof its ruleson stones symbolized the perfection of Charitable ferries management system.The local officials honored the benevolence of Charitable ferries by building a plaque,which also reflected some traces of the will of the state when the local society was governed.
作者 董永强 Dong Yongqiang(College of Humanities,Xidian University)
出处 《中国社会历史评论》 2020年第2期168-183,298,共17页 Chinese Social History Review
基金 陕西省社会科学基金一般项目“明清陕西地方社会治理研究——以乡约碑石为中心”(项目号2014H10) 中央高校基本科研业务费“关中历史文化信息化研究”(项目号20106185642)阶段成果 陕西智慧社会发展战略研究中心项目资助
关键词 津渡 义渡 陕西 清代 船桥会 Ferries Charitable Ferries Southern Shaanxi Qing Dynasty








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