

New Perspectives on Chinese Modern Medical History:Traditional Chinese Medical Rescue Team and Transfer of Western Medical Knowledge(1931—1937)
摘要 目前医疗史学界的研究,针对近代中国医学的近代转型,大多集中在防疫、卫生制度的建构、疾病、药物与技术之对照和比较。此外,在民国之前,无论是中央政府或地方政府,关切的焦点都放在社会秩序的稳定上,瘟疫常是听任其发展或采消极避疫法,中医在社会中少有被谈及或承担什么深刻的国家和社会责任,过去史学界很少重视这方面的议题。战争的危机,给了中医另一个发展的空间与可能性。近代中医在外科技术、生理学知识发展上的落后,已是不争之事实,但中日战争即将爆发之危机,却使得中医界开始思考传统知识与国家存亡、战争伤员救治之间的联结。近代中医救护队的诞生,给了中医参与军政事务的可能,也帮助中医思索他们过往的学术发展和可能的未来。在此过程中,中医学习了过去从未接触过的知识,包括军事、救护、创伤、绷带、防毒等相关知识,并于当时报刊中,反思古代医学中的外科、急救、药品等相关知识,希望能在战争时发挥实际功能。本文除了丰富中国医疗史本身的研究,也可补充目前中日战争史研究之全貌,作为传统政治、军事历史之外的一种辅助和补充。 The existing academic studies on the medical history concerning the modern transformation of modern Chinese medicine mostly focus on epidemic prevention,development of health systems,and the contract and comparison of diseases,drugs and technologies.In addition,during the period of the Republic of China,Chinese medicine was rarely discussed,and neither did it have to bear any significant national and social responsibilities.In the past,historical scholars seldom paid attention to this issue.The crisis of the Sino-Japanese created another development space and possibility for TCM.It is an indisputable fact that modern Chinese medicine fell behind in the development of surgical technology and physiology knowledge.However,the"war"caused the Chinese medicine community to think about the connection between traditional knowledge and the survival of the country,as well as the treatment of injuries.The birth of the modern Chinese medical rescue team created the possibility for traditional Chinese medicine to participate in military and political affairs.In the process,Chinese medicine practitioners learned fields that they had never touched in the past,including military,ambulance,trauma,bandages,anti-virus and other related knowledge,as well as reflected on related surgeries,first aid,medicines,and other related therapies in ancient medicine,in order to play a practical role in the war.In addition to enriching the research of Chinese medical history itself,this study can supplement the overall connotation of the current Sino-Japanese war history as a pioneering study for political and military history.
作者 皮国立 Pi Guoli(Center for General Education,Chung Yuan Christian University)
出处 《中国社会历史评论》 2020年第1期-,共17页 Chinese Social History Review
关键词 军医 外科 中日战争 中药 救护队 急救 Military Medicine Surgery Sino-Japanese War Traditional Chinese Medicine Medical Rescue Team Emergency Medicine
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