

The research of the Prime Ministers Sealed Marquis in the Western Han Dynasty
摘要 西汉丞相封侯始于高祖时期,并集中于西汉中后期。西汉皇帝对丞相封侯拥有裁决权,以皇帝颁布的制书为依据。西汉丞相封侯不仅反映了丞相和列侯存在等级对应关系,而且成为皇权加强君臣关系的一项措施。西汉丞相从因功劳封侯向因恩泽封侯转变,呈现阶段性、功绩化、身份性和鲜明时代性的特征。西汉丞相封侯经历了从皇权主导到权臣支配的过程,并在各个阶段产生了不同的社会功能。西汉中前期,丞相封侯产生了加强中央集权、巩固政权基础、调整社会等级秩序、推动社会阶层流动、维护各种政治势力平衡的功能。而西汉后期,丞相封侯存在增加国家财政负担、激化统治集团内部矛盾斗争的弊端。但就整体发展而言,西汉丞相封侯产生的社会功能居于主导地位。 The prime ministers which sealed marquis in the Western Han Dynasty began in the Gaozu period and concentrated in the middle and late Western Han Dynasty.The emperor of the Western Han Dynasty had the power to adjudicate the prime minister and the feudal lord,which was based on the book-making issued by the emperor.The prime ministers which sealed marquis in the Western Han Dynasty not only reflected the hierarchical correspondence between the prime ministers and the princes,but also became a measure for the imperial power to strengthen the relationship between the monarchs and the princes.The prime ministers of the Western Han Dynasty changed from being feudal for meritorious service to being feudal for Enze,presenting the characteristics of stage,meritorious service,identity and distinct epoch.The prime ministers which sealed marquis in the Western Han Dynasty experienced the process from imperial domination to minister domination,and produced different social functions in each stage.In the early and middle period of the Western Han Dynasty,the prime ministers which sealed marquis had the functions of strengthening the centralization of power,consolidating the foundation of political power,adjusting the order of social classes,promoting the mobility of social classes and maintaining the balance of various political forces.However,in the late Western Han Dynasty,there were some drawbacks in the prime ministers which sealed marquis,such as increasing the financial burden of the state and intensifying the contradictions and struggles within the ruling group.However,as far as the overall development was concerned,the social function of the prime ministers which sealed marquis in the Western Han Dynasty was in the leading position.
作者 师彬彬 Shi Binbin(The Culture Research Institute of Wei and Jin Dynasties,Xuchang University)
出处 《中国社会历史评论》 2019年第2期19-32,246-247,共16页 Chinese Social History Review
基金 2018年度河南省哲学社会科学规划基金青年项目“‘爵—秩体制’视角下的西汉列侯问题研究”(项目号:2018CLS020)的阶段性成果
关键词 西汉 丞相 列侯 The Western Han the Prime Minister Marquis
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