阿根廷艺术家Leandro Erlich创造了一个虚幻游泳池。这个泳池看起来和普通泳池没什么区别,但当你进入泳池,会看到一个超现实的场景:人们穿着日常的衣服,在水下站立、行走和呼吸。这样的场景反常吗?其实,泳池下方有一个水下房间,里面是中空的。艺术家将一大块厚厚的亚克力板横跨在泳池上方,再注入10厘米深的水,营造出标准泳池的错觉。
An Argentinian artist named Leandro Erlich has created an illusory swimming pool.This pool looks the same as a normal pool,but when you enter the pool,you will see a surreal scene:people wearing daily clothes,standing,walking and breathing underwater.Is such a scene outrageous?In fact,there is an underwater room in the pool,that is hollow.The artist spread a chunk of thick Acrylic board across the pool and injected 10 cm of water into it,creating the illusion of a standard pool.