

Retro and Imitation:A Comparison of Kamo Mabuchi and Motoori Norinaga's Waka Theories
摘要 贺茂真渊与本居宣长同为江户时期日本国学四大家,与其他国学家一样,二者的和歌理论都体现出对古代的仰慕。贺茂真渊对古代的仰慕表现为复古主义,即他认为和歌在创作内容上应和古代一样,以朴素的语言抒发肺腑之志,无须矫揉造作,而要自觉顺应自然之道,并从古代人质朴的生存状态出发论述和歌的诞生,这体现为一种自然主义的和歌观。作为贺茂真渊的弟子,本居宣长之好古主要体现为拟古雅文,即推崇现世和歌之风,主张使用华丽辞藻,强调和歌的无用性与美学价值,以“物哀”为理论基础论述和歌的成立,体现为一种人文主义的和歌观。二者不同的古代观催生了不同的和歌理论,然而殊途同归,歌论的背后均隐藏着建构日本民族同一性的紧迫需要。本文将对比贺茂真渊与本居宣长二者不同的歌论,并分析二者歌论背后的共同价值指向。 Kamo Mabuchi and Motoori Norinaga were both the Big Four of Kokugakusya(Japanese Nativists)in the Edo period and their Waka theories showed their admiration of ancient times.Kamo Mabuchi's admiration for ancient times was reflected in retroism.He believed that the content of Waka should be the same as ancient times,expressing the aspirations of the heart in simple language,no need to be artificial,but to consciously follow the path of nature.Kamo Mabuchi discussed the birth of Waka from the perspective of the primitive living conditions of ancient people,which showed his naturalistic view of Waka.As a disciple of Kamo Mabuchi,Motoori Norinaga's admiration for ancient times was mainly reflected in his imitation of ancient manner and modification of Waka based on his own understanding,which specifically manifested the use of ornate words and emphasized the uselessness and aesthetic value of Waka.Motoori Norinaga discussed the birth of Waka based on the Mono-no-aware,showing his humanistic view of the Waka.Although Kamo Mabuchi and Motoori Norinaga held the distinct views on the birth of Waka,they have the same ultimate goal,which was the urgent need to construct the Japanese national identity.This essay compares the different Waka theories of Kamo Mabuchi and Motoori Norinaga,and then analyzes the common aim behind two different theories.
作者 闫诗钰 Yan Shiyu(Shaanxi Normal University)
机构地区 陕西师范大学
出处 《日语教育与日本学》 2023年第2期32-39,共8页 Japanese Language Education and Japanese Studies
关键词 贺茂真渊 本居宣长 和歌理论 古代观 Kamo Mabuchi Motoori Norinaga Theory of Waka Opinion on Ancient Times
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