

The Academic Orientation of Cheng Gongdui's Notes to Spring and Autumn Period
摘要 宋代出現許多以新史體改編《春秋》經傳體例的著作,其中以程公説《春秋分記》的卷數最多,主題也最豐富,是一部完整的綜合性撰述,但學界較少關注體例改編的總體趨勢和學術意義,故本文嘗試開拓這類型的研究課題,聚焦程公説《春秋分記》的編纂體例、經解義法和史鑑寄寓。本文認爲《春秋分記》以史體“紀傳體”多元地反映春秋歷史的面貌,足以作爲研究《左傳》重要的參考依據。程公説雖以胡安國《春秋傳》爲經解旨歸,但透過史體綰合深刻的經解義理,高度依附《左傳》,將麟經詮釋導向務實客觀的路線,與南宋捨傳從經的解經路徑有所不同。又能上承《春秋》“懲惡勸善”的史鑑精神,從其史事制度的沿革興變總結出歷史經驗,寓託不少垂訓警惕的史鑑觀點,形成一套獨有的内在理路與學術特色。 In the Song Dynasty,there were many works written in the new historiographic style adapted from the Spring and Autumn Annals.Among these works,the most complete and comprehensive compilation is Cheng Gongdui's Notes to Spring and Autumn Period because it contains the largest number of fascicles and the most abundant topics.However,insufficient attention has been given to the general trend and academic significance of rubric adaptation.Therefore,this paper is intended to be the first to investigate Cheng's book with a focus on its compilation rules,commentaries,and the education function of history.This paper takes the Theories of Emperor Respect in The Spring and Autumn Annals as an example to verify that Notes to Spring and Autumn Period not only reflects the people and events in The Zuo Commentary and plays a role in the annals of history,but also extends the interpretation and enhances it by adopting a variety of commentaries and styles,as well as seeks to enlighten the sages'purposes.The paper concludes that Notes to Spring and Autumn Period inherited the interpretation system of The Spring and Autumn Annals but forms a unique internal theory closely related to other commentaries and constructs a treeshaped and symbiotic academic domain.
作者 康凱淋 Kang Kai-lin(Department of Chinese Literature,Chung Hsing University,China)
出处 《人文中国学报》 2023年第1期235-269,共35页 Sino-Humanitas
关键词 《春秋》 《左傳》 程公説 紀傳體 史學 The Spring and Autumn Annals Zuo Commentary Cheng Gongdui biographic style historiography
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