

The Reception of Zuozhuan and the Zhenguan Perspective,as Revealed in a Citation of“Hua Yuan Feeding His Soldiers”in the Qunshu Zhiyao
摘要 貞觀五年魏徵等人編纂《群書治要》,該書究竟有無思想内涵?如果有,應該如何把握?根據序文,魏徵意圖編纂一部不同於《皇覽》、《遍略》,講求文義、見本知末、治國理政、合時可用的經世群書文本。因此,如何從截録自古籍的文句,挖掘出藴含編纂者詮釋的叙述,致用就是問題的關鍵。本文挑選《群書治要·左傳》裏的一則記載——“華元食士”,以此爲切入點,透過文脈的分析與語境的掌握,明晰《群書治要·左傳》藴含異於《左傳》的視角與意義。文分三大部分,一者,以經典還原的方式,掌握《左傳》取捨先後面貌,以爲詮釋基礎;二者,透過掌握“華元食士”記載的歷史解讀,定位唐代解讀的取向;三者,説明“羊斟敗國”到“華元食士”評價觀點的異同,以及透過《貞觀政要》的語境外證與《群書治要》編纂意圖的内證,彰顯此思想的内涵。經過以上的分析,藉由“華元食士”叙述取向關注“恩結人心”的情感、重視“屈己得人”互動的人際經營,顯見《群書治要》擁有反映時代的思想特色,“以編代作”的詮釋意圖,所以持續從文本的比對與詮釋,拓展《群書治要》的思想研究有其重要性。 The Qunshu zhiyao is an anthology compiled by Wei Zheng(580-643)and his team in 603.Does this book embrace any specific ideology?If so,how should one ensure understanding of such an ideology?According to the preface to the Qunshu zhiyao,Wei Zheng intended to compile an anthology that would differentiate itself from two predecessors,the Huanglan and Bianlue.By laying emphasis on the meaning of the text,he aimed to reveal the causes and effects of events in order to illustrate governing principles and provide practical solutions to contemporary issues.Therefore,the book was intended to uncover the implicit interpretation of the editors of the sources from which he excerpted the texts that became the entries of his compilation.Practicality is one such key principle.The present article discusses a Zhuozhuan narrative on“Hua Yuan Feeding His Soldiers”anthologized in the Qunshu zhiyao,contrasting the perspective and meaning in this excerpt in the Tang compilation with the Zhuozhuan original context.This article has three goals:(1)to identify the differences between the original Zhuozhuan and its edited version by means of restoration of the original status of the classic;(2)to reconstruct the Tang preferences of interpretation through collecting and surveying historical interpretations of the narrative on“Hua Yuan Feeding His Soldiers”;and(3)to explain the differences and similarities between the critical perspectives of“Yang Zhen Causing Downfall of His State”and“Hua Yuan Feeding His Soldiers”to discover how the ideology embedded within was intended to be justified and illuminated in light of the context of the Zhenguan zhengyao and the editorial principles of the Qunshu zhiyao.The present study comes to a conclusion that the narrative on“Hua Yuan Feeding His Soldiers”centers on“winning people’s hearts”and“humbling oneself to win support from people.”The former reveals human affections while the latter concerns relationship management.While it is apparent that the Qunshu zhiyao reflects ideologies of the Tang dynasty,there is also a clear attempt by the editors to proclaim their interpretations when selecting excerpts from ancient classics rather than writing new works.Therefore,comparative and interpretative study of these texts is essential in deepening our understanding of the ideology of the Qunshu zhiyao.
作者 張瑞麟 林朝成 Chang;Jui Lin;Lin;Chao Cheng(Department of Chinese Literature,National Cheng Kung University)
出处 《人文中国学报》 2022年第1期71-111,共41页 Sino-Humanitas
基金 “科技部”專題研究計畫“《群書治要》視野下的儒道思想:以《貞觀政要》爲基底的應用詮釋”(MOST109-2410-H-006-111)之部分研究成果
关键词 群書治要 華元食士 貞觀政要 左傳 魏徵 Qunshu zhiyao “Hua Yuan Feeding His Soldiers” Zhenguan zhengyao Zuozhuan Wei Zheng
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