

The School, Divisions, and Succession to the Way:The Doctrinal Backgrounds of Han Yuanzhen and Li Jian’s “Huluo Debate”
摘要 朝鮮儒學從四端七情之辨,進而及於人心道心問題,層層而進,逐漸明朗,性之所向,理氣問題,正是其中關鍵所在,韓元震與李柬所爭是師門宗旨,也是數代積累的儒學問題,"湖洛論爭"如同漣漪逐漸擴散,造成巨大影響,成爲朝鮮儒學史中最可注意的學術論辯。李柬以未發之時難言氣質之性,聖人與凡人同禀明德本體,提出"聖凡心同",主張"人物性同論";韓元震認爲未發仍有氣質之性,認爲聖人與凡人不同,提出"聖凡心不同",主張"人物性異論"。兩人針鋒相對,最後以老師權尚夏表態支持韓元震而告一段落,確立性於氣質得見,爲師門心法所在,韓元震於後標舉學脈宗旨,建構朝鮮學術主體地位,藏道統於東國,貢獻卓著,湖洛論爭正是觸發其儒學事業的關鍵。 Korean Confucian scholars researched the differentiation between"four beginnings"(siduan)and"seven emotions"(qiqing),and gradually progressed to the issues concerning the human mind and the Way.Their findings disclosed that"principle"(li)and"material-force"(qi)are key concepts central to Confucianism.These issues were subjects of dispute between scholars Han Yuanzhen(1682-1751)and Li Jian(1677-1727),who represented their own schools of thought.They also remained unsolved issues in Confucianism for many generations.In fact,this so-called"Huluo Debate"made such an enormous impact that it became the most important academic polemic in the history of Korean Confucianism.Li Jian advocated"Sameness of Human Nature"and held that it was impossible to define one’s temperament before one’s expression,and hence saints and commoners had the same original mind.Han Yuanzhen,on the other hand,advocated"Diversity of Human Nature"and argued that people had distinct temperaments by nature and therefore saints and commoners’minds were different.Their views were diametrically opposed and resulted in frantic debates.Finally,their tutor,Quan Shangxia(1641-1712),settled the debates by supporting Han’s opinion,confirming that one’s inner nature could be found in one’s temperament.Thereafter,Han not only promoted the creeds of his school but also constructed the Succession to the Way(daotong)in Korea.All in all,the"Huluo Debate"is the basis of Han Yuanzhen’s remarkable achievement of Confucianism.
作者 陳逢源 Feng-Yuan Chen(Department of Chinese Literature,Chengchi University)
出处 《人文中国学报》 2020年第1期-,共40页 Sino-Humanitas
基金 執行科技部計畫“衍繹與變易——明代四書學著作分系與斷限考察”,計畫編號:MOST1062410H004153MY3
关键词 韓元震 李柬 湖洛論爭 栗谷學脈 朝鮮儒學 Han Yuanzhen Li Jian the Huluo Debate Ligu School Korean Confucianism
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