

On the Compilation Date of the Collected Works of Wang Bo, with a Focus on “A Funeral Oration by Bo’s Uncle” Preserved in Japan
摘要 在流傳於日本的《王勃集》卷三〇中,有一篇王承烈爲祭奠去世的王勃的靈魂而作的《祭文》。作於王勃死後八年的這篇祭文,是爲了安慰未能返回故鄉而被葬於南方的王勃的亡靈。這篇作於684年的祭文,是《王勃集》中最晚創作的作品。《王勃集》的寫本中避諱了"華"字,即"華"字最後一筆缺失(未寫)。另一方面,武則天創作的文字(即則天文字)也未被使用。而在中國仅"華"字闕筆的这一避讳情况持续到689年。綜上可知,《王勃集》編纂於684到689年之間。且此僅流傳於日本的《王勃集》,是在其編纂後的五年內被抄寫的文本。 In fascicle 30 of the Collected Works of Wang Bo circulated in Japan,there is a funeral oration(jiwen祭文)dedicated to the spirit of Wang Bo,written by Wang Chenglie eight years after Bo’s death.This oration was intended to comfort the soul of Wang Bo who could not return to his hometown but was buried in southern China.Composed in the year 684,this funeral oration is the last work in the Collected Works of Wang Bo.In the manuscript of this collection,there is a taboo word,hua華,the last stroke of which is not written.In addition,the characters created by Empress Wu are not used.It was only until 689 that the character hua was written without the last stroke.Hence,it can be concluded that the Collected Works of Wang Bo was compiled in the period between 684 and 689 and that the edition that is only found in Japan must have been transcribed within 5 years after the compilation.
作者 道坂昭廣 MICHISAKA AKIHIRO(Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies,KYOTO UNIVERSITY)
出处 《人文中国学报》 2019年第2期-,共18页 Sino-Humanitas
关键词 《王勃集》佚文 寫本 祭文 “華”字闕筆 王勃 texts not found in the Collected Works of Wang Bo manuscript funeral oration the taboo character hua Wang Bo
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