

A Preliminary study of Bergson's influence on Qian Zhongshu
摘要 法国哲学家、1927年诺贝尔文学奖得主柏格森以直觉为最高认识方法,钱锺书则以神韵为最高诗歌境界,又崇尚性灵及谈艺论道之慧悟,两者在心性与观念上颇为契合。钱锺书于初次接触柏格森哲学时,当有他乡遇故知的欣喜。其倾心于柏格森哲学,犹如呼唤与被呼唤的声音相互听到、相互应答。从钱锺书一生的求索、创作及心路历程可见,柏格森及柏拉图、亚里士多德、普罗提诺、休谟、黑格尔、叔本华等西方哲学家对其有着长远影响。在他的精神世界深处,隐藏着一部属于他自己的西方哲学史,即内化为他的知识与心理结构的一个人的西方哲学史。柏格森基于“绵延”理论对直觉的认识功能及本质直观式认知方式的肯定,为钱锺书所偏好的“神韵”论及他对中国古典诗学中“神”这个范畴的辨析,提供了哲学基础和理论依据。钱锺书概括柏格森直觉主义哲学精义指出,柏格森“于知觉与理智之外,别标直觉(Intuition);其认识之简捷,与知觉相同,而境谛之深妙,则并在理智之表”。这是对柏格森直觉论的精准归化,有助于中文学界、文坛更好理解柏格森的思想。此外,对柏格森的绵延理论、笑论、自我论等,钱锺书均有颇深会悟。本文从钱锺书的哲学修养、钱锺书对柏格森哲学的研习领悟及柏格森哲学对钱锺书文论哲思的影响三个方面,在西方哲学东渐及哲学思辨对文艺思维的影响这一理论背景下,探讨钱锺书对柏格森哲学的引介及对其文论思维的塑造。 Henri Bergson,a French philosopher,and winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1927 regarded intuition as the highest way of understanding,while Qian Zhongshu regarded charm as the highest realm of poetry,and advocated the spirit and wisdom of talking about art and Taoism.They were quite compatible in mind and concept.When Qian Zhongshu first came into contact with Bergson's philosophy,he felt happy to meet an old acquaintance in another country.It is steeped in Bergson's philosophy as if calling and being called heard and answered each other.From Qian Zhongshu's lifelong search,creation,and spiritual journey,it can be seen that Bergson and other western philosophers such as Plato,Aristotle,Plotinus,Hume,Hegel,and Schopenhauer had a long-term influence on him.In the depths of his spiritual world,there is a history of Western philosophy that belongs to him,that is,a history of western philosophy internalized into his knowledge and psychological structure.Bergson's affirmation of the cognitive function of intuition and the intrinsically intuitive cognitive mode based on the“stretching”theory provides a philosophical and theoretical basis for Qian Zhongshu's preferred“charm”theory and his discrimination of the category of“God”in Chinese classical poetics.Qian Zhongshu summarized the essence of Bergson's intuitionism philosophy and pointed out that Bergson“did not label Intuition besides perception and reason;The simplicity of its knowledge is the same as that of perception,and the depth of its truth is not in reason”.This is a precise naturalization of Bergson's intuition theory,which is helpful for the Chinese and literary circles to better understand Bergson's thoughts.In addition,Qian Zhongshu has a deep understanding of Bergson's theory of continuity,theory of laughter,and theory of self.From three aspects of Qian Zhongshu's philosophical accomplishment,Qian Zhongshu's study and understanding of Bergson's philosophy,and the influence of Bergson's philosophy on Qian Zhongshu's literary theory,this paper discusses Qian Zhongshu's introduction to Bergson's philosophy and the shaping of his literary theory under the the oretical background of the eastern spread of Western philosophy and the influence of philosophical speculation on literary and artistic thinking.
作者 龚刚 GONG Gang
出处 《清华西方哲学研究》 2023年第2期165-183,共19页 Tsinghua Studies in Western Philosophy
关键词 钱锺书 柏格森 绵延理论 直觉主义 笑论 自我论 Qian Zhongshu Bergson Stretch theory Intuitionism Laugh and talk Ego theory
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