

Aristotle on the Soul and its Capacity of Perception An Interview with Thomas Johansen
摘要 约翰森(Thomas Johansen)教授是著名古希腊哲学专家,主要研究方向为古希腊自然哲学和心理学。现为挪威奥斯陆大学哲学、古典学、艺术及观念史系(Department of Philosophy,Classics,History of Art and Ideas)教授,曾任牛津大学哲学教授。代表作有《亚里士多德论感官》(Aristotle on Sense-Organs,剑桥大学出版社1997年版)、《柏拉图的自然哲学》(Plato’s Natural Philosophy,剑桥大学出版社2004年版)、《亚里士多德的灵魂能力》(The Power of Aristotle’s Soul,牛津大学出版社2012年版)。在这次访谈中,约翰森教授从官能心理学(faculty psychology)的视角来阐释亚里士多德的灵魂概念,并分析亚里士多德的灵魂问题与现代功能主义(functionalism)是否兼容。在此基础上,他探讨了灵魂、身体与生命体的关系。接下来,约翰森教授对灵魂的感觉能力深入探析,具体从感觉问题的丰富性、感觉问题的认识论维度、自我意识与通感的关系等多个角度展开。最后,约翰森教授介绍了北欧哲学的研究现状等问题。约翰森教授在本次访谈中高屋建瓴的论述,不仅使我们了解亚里士多德对灵魂概念及其感觉能力论述的基本脉络,也使我们看到亚里士多德的心理学如何激发新的思想。本文由赵奇对约翰森教授的访谈整理而成,访谈录由采访人赵奇翻译。 Professor Thomas Johansen is a renowned expert in Ancient Greek Philosophy.His main research interests are natural philosophy and psychology of the ancient Greek.He is a professor in the Department of Philosophy,Classics,History of Art and Ideas of the University of Oslo in Norway and used to be a former professor of philosophy at University of Oxford.His representative works include Aristotle on Sense-Organs(1997),Plato’s Natural Philosophy(2004),and The Power of Aristotle’s Soul(2012).In this interview,Professor Johansen explains Aristotle’s concept of soul from the perspective of faculty psychology and analyzes whether Aristotle’s soul problem was compatible with modern functionalism.Based on this background,the relationship among soul,body,and the living body is discussed.Next,Professor Johansen makes an in-depth analysis of the perceptual ability of the soul,specifically from the perspectives of the richness of perceptual problems,the epistemological dimension of perceptual problems,and the relationship between self-consciousness and common sense.Finally,Professor Johansen introduces the research status of Nordic philosophy and other related issues.Through this well-articulated interview,we can not only understand the basic context of Aristotle’s discussion on the concept of soul and its perceptual ability but also see how Aristotle’s psychology stimulates new ideas.This interview is performed,transcripted,and translated by Zhao.
作者 托马斯·约翰森 赵奇 Thomas Johansen;ZHAO Qi(Department of Philosophy,Classics,History of Art and Ideas,University of Oslo,Norway;School of Marxism,Northeastern University)
出处 《清华西方哲学研究》 2022年第1期161-171,共11页 Tsinghua Studies in Western Philosophy
关键词 亚里士多德 灵魂 身体 感觉 北欧哲学 Aristotle soul body perception Nordic philosophy
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