
论艾利斯·杨的差异政治学在西方马克思主义中的定位问题 被引量:2

On the Theoretical Position of Iris Young’s Politics of Difference
摘要 艾利斯·杨的差异政治学与多元文化主义理论有着本质的区别,文化差异只能在政治的框架下去理解;杨的性别理论并不是马克思主义的女性主义理论,而是历史唯物主义框架下的女性观,隶属于马克思主义的整体视野;杨对经济/文化二元范式、平等的政治范式的批判是基于历史唯物主义视角对经济主义和物化价值观的批判,与马克思主义对文化的看法一脉相承。杨有关分配正义的批判、剥削和文化帝国主义等压迫理论和差异政治观念都应该被视作对马克思核心理念的坚持及在当代西方复调时代下的理论发展。 The politics of difference of Iris Young has an essential difference from multiculturalism theory which has to be understood exclusively within the framework of social differences;Young’s gender theory should not be regarded as Marxist feminism,but a historically materialistic female view within Marxism which is a holistic system;Young’s critique of economic/cultural dual paradigm and equal political paradigm is based on historical materialism,which is consistent with a Marxist’s view on culture.Therefore,Young’s theory is in fact a kind of Marxism which is answerable to justice in the post-modern western society.
作者 罗伯中 陈妤迪 LUO Bozhong;CHEN Yudi(Department of Philosophy,Xiangtan University,,Xiangtan,Hunan,411105;Xiangtan University,Xiangtan,Hunan,411105)
机构地区 湘潭大学哲学系
出处 《清华西方哲学研究》 2021年第1期89-105,共17页 Tsinghua Studies in Western Philosophy
基金 “马克思中期政治哲学的文本学研究”(17BZX030)的阶段性成果
关键词 多元文化主义 差异政治学 社会主义女性主义 历史唯物主义 正义 multiculturalism the politics of difference socialist feminism historical materialism justice
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  • 1Will Kymlicka, Multicultural Citizenship :A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights, Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1995, p. 168, pp. 7 - 8, pp. 113 - 115, pp. 102 - 106.
  • 2Iris Marign Young, Justice and the Politics of Difference, Princeton , New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1990, p. 16, pp. 10-11.
  • 3威尔· 金里卡.《公民的回归》,见许纪霖主编.《共和,社群和公民》,江苏人民出版社,2004,第263页.
  • 4Gershon Shafir , The Evolving Tradition of Citizenship, in Gershon Shafir , ed. , The Citizenship Debates: A Reader, University of Minnesota Press, 1998. pp. 25 - 26,p. 19, pp. 19 - 20.
  • 5Charles Taylor , The Politics of Recognition, in Charles Taylor , et al., Multiculturalism, Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, 1994,pp. 26 - 27, p. 28 - 30, pp. 61 - 62, p. 68.
  • 6Will Kymlicka , Multicultural citizenship , in Gershon Shafir , ed. , The Citizenship Debates: A Reader, University of Minnesota Press, 1998. p. 171.
  • 7Will Kymlicka, Liberalism, Community and Culture, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989, pp. 186 - 190.
  • 8Iris Marion Young, Justice and the Politics of Difference. Oxford: Princeton University Press, 1990.
  • 9Iris Marion Young, " Five Faces of Oppression" , Philosophical Form, 19(4), 1998, pp. 270-290.
  • 10Nancy Fraser, " From Redistribution to Recogni- tion? Dilemmas of Justice in a ' Post - Socialist' Age", New Left Review 212 , 1995.












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