

Methodology and Development for the Thermal Stress Prediction Dataset of Coral Reefs in South China Sea Islands(1982-2100)
摘要 异常升高的海温是全球变化对珊瑚礁影响范围最广和最有威胁性的因子。基于1982-2009年卫星观测南海海表面温度(SST)数据和政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第五阶段耦合模型相互比较项目(CMIP5)加拿大地球系统模式CanESM2模型预测的2006-2100年南海SST数据,采用线性回归方法和周热度(Degree Heating Weeks,DHW)指数法提取到1982-2009年及RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下2006-2100年南海诸岛珊瑚礁慢性热压力和急性热压力空间分布数据。该数据集包括两部分:(1)慢性热压力,由1982-2009年卫星观测夏季海温上升率(℃/10a),与RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下2006-2100年CanESM2模型模拟夏季海温上升率(℃/10a),共3个数据集组成;(2)急性热压力,由1982-2009年基于卫星观测DHW数据量化的珊瑚礁生态功能累积恢复时间数据,RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下基于CanESM2模型计算的2006年3月至2100年12月每月的DHW数据以及基于DHW数据预估的珊瑚礁年白化时间数据,共5种数据集组成。数据集存储为.tif和.img文件,共6,862个文件,数据量为57.5 MB(压缩为1个文件,12.0 MB)。 The thermal stress prediction dataset of coral reefs in the South China Sea Islands(1982–2100)has been developed based on the NOAA-AVHRR SST data from 1982–2009 and the simulated data by the CanESM2 model at CMIP5 for 2006–2100 in the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios.The spatial patterns produced by chronic and acute thermal stress on the coral reefs of the South China Sea Islands were extracted by a linear regression method and the Degree Heating Weeks(DHW)index.The dataset includes(1)chronic thermal stress data,which consist of the summer SST rise rate(oC/10 a)observed by the AVHRR satellite from 1982–2009 and the summer SST rise rate(℃/10 a)simulated by the CanESM2 model for 2006–2100 in the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios;(2)acute thermal stress data,which consist of the accumulated recovery time during which coral reefs have reduced ecosystem functions following acute thermal stress events for all reef cells according to AVHRR-observed SST data from 1982–2009,monthly DHW data,and the years in which reef locations start to experience bleaching conditions annually(annual bleaching year)for 2006–2100.The dataset is archived in.tif and.img data format,consisting of 6,862 data files with a data size of 57.5 MB(compressed to one single 12.0 MB file).
作者 陈志科 余克服 苏奋振 左秀玲 Chen,Z.K.;Yu,K.F.;Su,F.Z.;Zuo,X.L.(Guangxi Laboratory on the Study of Coral Reefs in the South China Sea,School of Marine Sciences,Guangxi University,Nanning 530004,China;Beijing Tongbolian Water Consulting Co.,Ltd,Beijing 101200,China;Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory(Zhuhai),Zhuhai 519080,China;State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China)
出处 《全球变化数据学报(中英文)》 CSCD 2021年第1期79-88,79-88,共20页 Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery
基金 国家自然科学基金(41801341) 广西自然科学基金(2018JJB150030) 中国科学院(XDA13010400)
关键词 慢性热压力 急性热压力 珊瑚礁 南海 chronic thermal stress acute thermal stress coral reef South China Sea
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