2018 年7 月23-26 日,以“融出版 新知识 享阅读”为主题的第八届中国数字出版博览会在北京国际会议中心举行。“全球变化科学研究数据出版系统”获得“创新项目”荣誉(图1)。第八届中国数字出版博览会是在国家新闻出版署(版权局)的指导下,由中国新闻出版研究院主办的年度数字出版盛会,来自国内各大出版社、传媒集团、数字出版创新技术公司、国家新闻出版重点实验室等千余位代表参会。
The 8th Digital Publishing Expo of China was held at Beijing International Conference Center on July 23-26,2018,with the theme of“integrating publishing,new knowledge,and enjoy reading”.The Global Change Research Data Publishing&Repository(GCdataPR)was awarded the Innovative Project.The 8th Digital Publishing Expo of China is an annual digital publishing event sponsored by Chinese Academy of Press and Publication under the guidance of the State Press and publication Administration.More than 1,000 experts and leaders from domestic publishing houses,media groups,innovative technology company on digital publishing,and key laboratories of State Press and Publication attended the conference.Zhuang,R.W.,Director of the State Press and Publication Administration,delivered a keynote speech.
Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery