1987年5月6日至6月2日在黑龙江省大兴安岭地区发生了森林大火。基于森林大火前后(1986年6月5日、1986年6月12日、1987年6月15日、1987年7月26日)的Landsat TM数据的近红外波段和中红外波段的反射率,计算归一化差分燃烧比(dNBR),参考过火后的遥感影像,设定dNBR阈值,得到大兴安岭过火范围及燃烧指数(火情指数)数据;基于时间序列的8天合成的GLASS的叶面积指数(LAI,1981-2016年)和光合有效辐射吸收比例(FAPAR,1982-2016年)产品,通过最大值合成得到每月的数据和每年的数据,在此基础上计算距平,得到1987、1992、1997、2002年LAI、FAPAR的距平空间数据;参考大火前后遥感影像,在高火烧强度区、低火烧强度区及未过火林地区分别划出样区,统计样区内植被在1981-2016年每8天的LAI、FAPAR数据和1982-2015年每年的LAI、FAPAR数据;根据过火范围裁剪MCD12Q1数据,将土地利用类型合并为7类(森林、灌木、草地、永久湿地、耕地、建筑用地、耕地与自然植被),对每一类土地覆盖所占的面积比例进行统计,得到1987年大兴安岭森林大火及其对植被影响数据集。该数据集包括:(1)1987年大兴安岭森林火灾范围数据;(2)1987年大兴安岭森林燃烧指数(dNBR)数据(空间分辨率为30m);(3)1987、1992、1997、2002年LAI、FAPAR的年距平空间数据集(空间分辨率为0.05o,约5 km);(4)高、低火烧强度区及未过火林地区的样区空间位置数据和这些区域1981-2016年每8天的LAI、FAPAR统计数据,1982-2015年每年的LAI、FAPAR统计数据;(5)2000、2004、2008、2012年过火范围内的土地覆盖空间分布数据(空间分辨率为500m)及2000-2013年各类土地覆盖所占的面积比例统计数据。数据集存储为.shp、.tif和.xlsx格式,包含18个数据文件,数据量为206 MB(压缩为1个文件,60.7 MB)。
We selected the forest fire in the Greater Khingan Mountains(GKM), China that occurred from May 6, 1987 to June 2, 1987 to study the impact of a typical forest fire on terrestrial vegetation. We calculated the extent and burn severity of the fire using Landsat TM data before and after the fire(June 5, 1986;June 12, 1986;June 15, 1987;July 26, 1987) by calculating the differential normalized burn ratio(d NBR). Next, we calculated the anomaly value from the Global Land Surface Satellite(GLASS) leaf area index(LAI) data from 1981 to 2016 and the Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation(FAPAR) data from 1982 to 2016. We calculated the annual data by maximizing the monthly data, which were calculated by averaging the 8-day data. Additionally, we analyzed changes in the 8-day and annual LAI and FAPAR data from 1981 to 2016 in sample areas with high burn severity, low burn severity, and unburned areas. Next, we calculated changes in the area of 7 types of land cover including forestland, shrubland, grassland, permanent wetland, cropland, urban and built-up land, and cropland/natural vegetation. The datasets include the following:(1) the fire extent in GKM in 1987;(2) the burn severity of the burned area in GKM in 1987 with a spatial resolution of 30 m;(3) the datasets of the LAI/FAPAR anomalies after the forest fire burned area and its surrounding area in GKM in 1987, 1992, 1997 and 2002 with a spatial resolution of 0.05o(approximately 5 km);(4) the statistical datasets of the annual/8-day LAI/FAPAR from 1981 to 2016 in the sample areas with high burn severity, low burn severity and unburned areas in GKM;(5) the land cover data of the burned area in GKM after the forest fires in 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012 with a spatial resolution of 500 m, and the statistical data of the area ratio of each land cover type. The dataset is stored using the formats.tif,.shp, and.xlsx and contains 18 data files. The size of the dataset is 223 MB.
Gong A.D.;Li J.(Faculty of Geographical Science,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)
Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery