

Submersible Mooring Hydrographic Observation Data in the Chukchi Sea
摘要 2012年7月21日-2012年9月8日,在中国第五次北极科学考察期间布放并回收1套潜标观测系统,进行了楚科奇海中部(69o30′9″N,169o00′39″E)海洋多层温度、盐度、深度、海流等要素的定点观测,获得约50天的连续观测数据。数据集经过整理,最终成果由一个观测点地理位置数据和7个表格数据组成。这7个表格数据包括:(1)Nortek Aquad"小阔龙"海流计于14 m深处测量的海流数据,共2,431组。每组数据包含u和v两个变量,分别代表海流的东分量和北分量。(2)RBR CT于18 m深处测量的温度和盐度数据,共69,740组。每组包含测量时间、温度和盐度三个变量。(3)ALEC TD于19 m深处测量的温度数据,共139,000组。每组数据包含测量时间和温度两个变量。(4)ALECCT于25m深处测量的温度和盐度数据,共139,575组。每组数据包含时间、温度和盐度三个变量。(5)ALEC CT于35 m深处测量的温度和盐度数据,共139,575组。每组数据包含时间、温度和盐度三个变量。(6)RBR CTD于40 m深处测量的温度和盐度数据,共279,140组。每组数据包含时间、温度和盐度三个变量。(7)TRDIADCP于41m深处向上观测的海流剖面数据。每组数据包含u和v两个变量,分别代表海流的东分量和北分量。每个变量分为17层,每层3,499组数据。数据集以.kmz,.shp和.xlsx数据格式存储,压缩后数据量为28.6 MB。 The dataset of temperature, salinity and current in the central Chukchi Sea(2012) was collected by the 5 th CHINARE Arctic Exploration from 21 July to 8 September 2012. The dataset is consisted of two types data, one is the geolocation GIS data where the data collected, and another one is the tables, they are:(1) Aquad14.mat data is the collected using the Nortek Aquad in the 14 m depth, 2,431 rows and 17 columns in both u and v factors;(2) CT18.mat data is collected using RBR CT in 18 m depth, 69,740 rows and 17 column, including time, temperature and salt data;(3) TD19.mat is collected by the ALEC TD in 19 m depth, 139,000 rows on time and temperature;(4) CT25.mat is collected by the ALEC CT in 25 m depth, 139,575 rows on time, temperature and salt;(5) CT35.mat is collected by the ALEC CT in 35 m, 139,575 rows on temperature and salt;(6) CTD40.mat is collected by the RBR CTD in 40 m depth, 279,140 rows on temperature and salt;and(7) ADCP41.mat is collected by the TRDI ADCP from 17 levels, 3,499 rows for each levels, and 59,483 rows total. The dataset is archived in.kmz,.shp and.xlsx data formats with the data size of 28.6 MB.
作者 何琰 陈红霞 张洁 林丽娜 孔彬 王颖杰 He Y.;Chen H.X.;Zhang J.;Lin L.N.;Kong B.;Wang Y.J.(The First Institute of Oceanography,State Oceanic Administration(SOA),Qingdao 266061,China;Polar Research Institute of China,Shanghai 200136,China;School of Ocean and Earth Science,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China)
出处 《全球变化数据学报(中英文)》 2017年第2期177-182,196-201,共12页 Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery
基金 国家自然科学基金(41606221) 中华人民共和国科学技术部(2016YFC1402702,2016YFC1400303) 国家海洋局(CHINARE2016-03-01,CHINARE2016-04-03,201405031,2014G02,2014T02)
关键词 锚碇潜标 楚科奇海 北极科学考察 海流 温盐 Submersible mooring the Chukchi Sea the fifth Chinese Arctic Research Expedition ocean current temperature and salinity
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