日本鬣羚(Naemorhedus crispus)是日本特有和稀有哺乳动物物种,被誉为日本自然遗迹。作者在日本富士-丹沢地区共采集到319个地点的记录,其中160个是日本鬣羚的出现地点,其余159个地点没有日本鬣羚出现。每一个记录点均采集了14个与日本鬣羚生存相关的生境因子。在该数据集的基础上,作者于2013年发表了一篇题目为"The geographical distribution and habitat use of Japanese serow(Naemorhedus crispus)in the Fuji-Tanzawaregion,Japan"的论文(Journal of Environmental Information Science, 41:53-62)。土光智子的硕士学位论文"Modeling of species geographic distribution for assessing present needs for the ecological networks:case study of Fuji region and Tanzawa region, Japan"(2007)的部分结论也是基于此项调查的部分内容。日本鬣羚的生境因子包括海拔高度、坡度、年降水量、年最高气温、年最低气温、到河流的距离、到所有道路的距离、到高速公路的距离、到普通道路的距离、到小路和石砌台阶的距离、到宽路(路宽超过13 m)的距离、到窄路(路宽在13 m以内,含13 m)的距离、NDVI(归一化植被指数)和植物群落(一级分类)的植被覆盖类型。数据集的格式是CSV格式(.csv)、Google Earth格式(.kmz)和Arc/Info格式(.shp)。投影基准面是日本大地基准面2000。用于生成这个数据集的栅格数据的空间分辨率是50 m,数据量321 KB。
The Japanese Serow(Naemorhedus crispus) is endemic to Japan, and has been designated as a Japanese natural monument. We produced a total of 319 point records of Japanese Serow occurrence(160 presence records and 159 absence records), with data for 14 environmental predictors. The environmental predictors were altitude, slope, annual precipitation, annual maximum temperature, annual minimum temperature, distance to rivers, distance to all roads, distance to highways, distance to general roads, distance to paths and stone steps, distance to wide roads(>13 m), distance to narrow roads(≤13 m), the normalized difference vegetation index), and the vegetation cover types at the vegetation community level. The data formats were CSV format(.csv), Google Earth(.kmz), and Arc/Info(.shp). The projected datum was the Japanese Geodetic Datum 2000. The spatial resolution of raster data used to produce the dataset was 50 m. The data size was 43 KB for CSV(.csv), 29 KB for Google Earth(.kmz), and 249 KB for Arc/Info(.shp) format.
Doko T.;Chen W.B.(Keio Research Institute at Shonan Fujisawa Campus (SFC), Keio University, Fujisawa, 2520882, Japan)
Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery
荷兰国际地球信息科学与地球观测研究所、日本科学促进会2012年伙伴基金补助项目(KAKENHI No.23-4520)