
特纳综合征患者骨质测评及干预的临床研究 被引量:1

Clinical Study of Bone Assessment and Intervention in Patients with Turner Syndrome
摘要 目的:研究特纳综合征患者的骨质特点及开始治疗的时机对骨质的影响。方法:分析我院2006年3月—2018年3月收治的特纳综合征患者37例,进行骨密度测定并在激素治疗前后与正常同龄女性的骨密度比较,将激素治疗的起始时间分为≤18岁和>18岁两组进行比较,观察两组患者骨密度的变化。结果:观察组患者的骨密度明显低于对照组;经过雌激素治疗后患者骨密度明显增加;开始雌激素治疗的年龄≤18岁较>18岁者,有更好的骨密度改善,提示青春期后越早开展雌激素治疗,其骨密度越接近正常人。结论:观察组患者的骨密度明显低于对照组。雌激素治疗可增加患者骨密度,激素治疗开始的时间越早,骨密度增加越多,多数患者虽经治疗,但其骨密度仍低于正常同龄人,骨折风险较正常人增加。雌激素治疗有利于患者全身症状的改善。 Objective:The aim of this topic is to study the bone characteristics of patients with Turner syndrome and the effect of the time of treatment on bone.Methods:Retrospective analysis was performed on 37 patients with Turner syndrome from March 2006 to 2018 in our hospital.Bone mineral density was measured and compared with the bone mineral density of normal women of the same age before and after hormone therapy.The initial time of hormone therapy was divided into two groups: ≤18 years old and >18 years old.Results:The bone density of patients with Turner syndrome was significantly lower than that of normal women of the same age,which increased after estrogen therapy.Bone mineral density improved better in patients ≤18 years old(P<0.01) and worse in patients aged 18 years old(P<0.05).Conclusion:Patients with Turner’s syndrome had significantly lower bone density than normal women of the same age.Estrogen therapy can increase bone mineral density in patients.The earlier hormone therapy is started,the greater the bone mineral density increases.Despite treatment,most patients still have lower bone mineral density than their normal peers,and their fracture risk is higher than that of normal patients.Estrogen therapy is beneficial to the improvement of patients’ systemic symptoms.
作者 芦莉 张海 钟元梅 白盖措 祁海云 瓦迎芳 刘向辉 赵玺玭 徐发亮 张丽 Lu Li;Zhang Hai;Zhong Yuanmei;Bai Gaicuo;Qi Haiyun;Wa Yingfang;Liu Xianghui;Zhao Xipin;Xu Faliang;Zhang Li(Qinghai Maternal and Child Health Hospital,810007)
出处 《青海医药杂志》 2020年第3期1-4,共4页 Qinghai Medical Journal
基金 青海省卫生健康委2018年重点科研课题(2018-wjzd-08)
关键词 特纳综合征 骨密度 激素治疗 Turner’s syndrome Bone mineral density Hormone therapy
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