

Assessment on Creative Construction and Cultural Practices of Ouyang Xiu’s Viewpoints of Literature and Tao
摘要 文道观是决定创作境界、引领学风建设的关键。欧阳修文与道俱、道胜文至、不为空言的文道观,引导了宋代文学创作与文化建设,推动了"古文运动"健康发展。这既与北宋前期文学环境与文化语境息息相关,又与个人文化资本与"斯文自任"使命意识紧密相连。欧阳修多以"回信"方式表达见解,"履之以身,施之于事,而又见于文章而发之,以信后世"的主张,得到士人群体广泛认同。欧阳修正本清源,复兴儒道古风,积极承担社会道义和现实使命,实现了从理论到实践的飞跃。在文化实践中,欧阳修突破"文各有体"藩篱,破体为文,"以文体为四六",创造了风神独具的"宋四六",化解了骈散之争;又通过知贡举黜落僻涩险怪的太学体,使古文传统重获新生。欧阳修文道观理论与文化创新策略,使北宋诗文革新运动取得决定性胜利,创造性弘扬了中华文化的优秀传统。 The viewpoints of literature and Tao were a critical matter on achieving the literary state and leading the academic atmosphere.Ouyang Xiu’s concept of literature and Tao is characterized by that literature and Tao should be valued equally,if a writer had a high Tao,and he must have an excellent essay.A writer should avoid empty words,which led the literary creation and cultural construction in the Northern Song Dynasty,pushing to healthy development of The Ancient Prose Movement.These were closely related to the literary environment and the cultural context,as well as the advocator’s cultural capital and mission consciousness of inherited Confucian culture.Ouyang Xiu always expressed his opinion with literati-scholars by way of replying foam,so his literary propositions were recognized by scholars universally,on which a writer should have some experience first,and then put theory into practice.After that it should be reflected and displayed from articles.Finally,he coulcl be convinced by others and the community.Ouyang Xiu reformed and revealed the Confucian Tao and customs radically,undertaking the social responsibility and realistic mission positively,which achieved a qualitative leap from theory to practice.In specific cultural practice,Ouyang Xiu broke through the barrier of every literal from its own stylistic characteristics,advanced the idea of breaking the boundary between literary styles and producing the parallel prose in prose composition.Ouyang Xiu’s theory of literature and Tao and the strategy of cultural innovation won decisive victory of the Ancient Prose Movement in the Northern Song Dynasty,and what was more,it carried forward the excellent traditional culture in the development of Chinese civilization.
作者 郑倩茹 杨庆存 Zheng Qianru;Yang Qingcun
出处 《清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期126-133,208,共9页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“全宋词人年谱、行实考”(17ZDA255)
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