

The Thoughts of Boddhisattva in Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra
摘要 在大乘佛教,菩萨取代声闻行者,成为修行典范人物。声闻乘已有菩萨观念,指释尊成佛前的身份;而大乘行者皆以菩萨自居,效法佛陀自利化他的伟大实践。"菩萨摩诃萨"成为《大智度论》的解释要题。为厘清与对显大乘菩萨思想,论中引述并批判说一切有部的菩萨学说,或以缺乏经典依据,或依大乘经典所说,一一驳斥其主要观点。如此批判的目的,意在将人导入大乘菩萨理念;而依大乘经说,声闻人应难以接受。《大智度论》有专门部分解释"菩萨"与"摩诃萨"。菩萨志求无上菩提,誓愿坚定不移,以大愿与大悲为支撑,修学六波罗蜜行,自觉并化他,直至圆成佛果。菩萨分退转与不退转(阿鞞跋致),久修六波罗蜜行,入菩萨位,证无生法忍,获得受记,即成不退转菩萨,亦为"摩诃萨"。摩诃萨意谓大勇心有情,菩萨欲成摩诃萨,须将般若波罗蜜作为修行核心,了悟诸法实相,以无执心广修万行,积极济度一切有情,进入无生法忍的体证。 In Mahāyāna Buddhism,the bodhisattvas replaced the status ofśrāvakas and became the model of religious practices.Theśrāvaka-yāna has its own ideas of bodhisattva,as the predecessors ofŚākyamuni Buddha.However,all the Mahāyāna practitioners claim themselves as“bodhisattva”,and follow the great practices of Buddhas to develop oneself for the purpose of benefiting others.The“Bodhisattva-mahāsattva”has become an important topic in Dazhidulun(Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra).In order to clarify and show the bodhisattva ideas of Mahāyāna,the author of this treatise criticized the problems of Sarvāstivādin theories of bodhisattva one by one.The purpose of this kind of criticism is to guide the students of Buddhism into the teachings of Mahāyāna;however,the opponents might be difficult to accept this claim.In Dazhidulun,there are special parts dedicated to the explanation of“bodhisattva”and“mahāsattva”.A bodhisattva strives for the highest enlightenment and takes great vows and arouses great compassion,practices the six pāramitās until he becomes a Buddha.The bodhisattvas are divided into two groups:the reversible and the irreversible.Those who practice the six pāramitās for a very long period,enter the special status of bodhisattva,obtain the patience of non-arising,and are predicted to become a Buddha are called“mahāsattva”.The mahāsattva means the being who is with great courage,following the prajñā-pāramitāas the core of his religious cultivation without any attachment,and having enlightened the true nature of all things.Having practiced thoroughly the way of bodhisattva and saved earnestly all sentient beings,he is with the accomplishment of obtaining the receptivity of non-arising.
作者 黄国清 Kuo-ching Huang(Graduate Institute of Religious Studies,Nanhua University)
出处 《普陀学刊》 2021年第2期24-46,277,共24页
关键词 龙树 大智度论 菩萨摩诃萨 Nāgārjuna Dazhidulun Bodhisattva mahāsattva
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