

Mixed Methods Research in Language Testing:Principles,Practice and Problems
摘要 混合方法研究是研究者在一项研究中使用量化和质性相结合的方法收集和分析数据,整合研究结果,做出元推论的方法论。语言测试经历着从测试文化向评价文化的转变,混合方法研究适应此背景下理解复杂现象、增强效度论证和反映多元观点的需要。本文通过对比分析三项混合式调查研究,突出了设计、整合和元推论的方法论意义,同时揭示了应用混合方法研究面临的普遍问题,包括方法论定位偏差、混合意图不清晰、设计要素不明确、量与质整合程度低等。研究者需从认识论、方法论和话语三个层面进行改进,以充分发挥混合方法研究的潜力,推动语言测试领域的研究创新和知识进步。 Mixed methods research(MMR)is a research methodology whereby researchers collect and analyze data,integrate the results and draw meta-inference using both quantitative and qualitative methods in a single study.The main purposes of MMR are understanding complex phenomena,enhancing the validity argument,and reflecting diverse views in the context where language testing shifts from testing culture towards assessment culture.The paper highlights the methodological significance of design,integration,and meta-inference of MMR through a comparative analysis of three mixed-methods survey studies.It also reveals common issues in the application of MMR,including imprecise positioning of methodology,ambiguous intention of method mixing,unclear description of research design,and inadequate integration of quantitative and qualitative methods.The paper argues that language testers need to address epistemological,methodological and discursive challenges to fully leverage MMR,thereby facilitating research innovation and knowledge progress in the field of language testing.
作者 袁雪寒 韩宝成 YUAN Xuehan;HAN Baocheng
出处 《外语与外语教学》 北大核心 2023年第6期40-49,146,共11页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“新发展阶段中国外语教育自主知识体系创新研究”(项目编号:22JJD740011)的阶段性成果 北京外国语大学北京高校高精尖学科“外语教育学”建设项目的支持。
关键词 混合方法研究 整合 元推论 方法论 评价文化 mixed methods research integration meta-inference methodology assessment culture
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