

Latin America and Asia: Moments in TransAreal Literature-History and A Buried Tradition
摘要 中国、亚洲和拉丁美洲之间的关系已有数百年历史,传统深厚且一直非常密切。这种被埋没的传统应该被重新揭示并让更多的人意识到。本文试图以拉丁美洲次大陆不同时代和不同地区的四个历史时刻为例加以证明。19世纪著名的库斯科画派不仅借鉴了本土和欧洲的传统,还参考了亚洲的传统,这种传统可以借助屏风这一艺术品经日本追溯到中国。早在16世纪早期的新西班牙文学中,就有大量证据表明了到访南美的亚洲人的出现,例如奇马尔帕因的作品,这也证明了存在于整个殖民时期的艺术传统。在殖民时代末期,由何塞·华金·费尔南德斯·德·利萨尔迪在西班牙美洲殖民地创作的第一部小说《癞皮鹦鹉》为形成中的墨西哥创造了一个乌托邦,它不像在托马斯·莫尔那里一样通往加勒比,而是通向太平洋,其主角是中国人。19世纪末,菲律宾的民族英雄、中国福建移民后代何塞·黎刹凭借小说《不要碰我》成为菲律宾西班牙语文学的伟大代表,也是最后一位代表,中国文化元素在小说中得到了突出体现。20世纪末,出生于新奥尔良的安娜·和美·施塔尔——一位德裔美国人和一位日本女性的女儿,在布宜诺斯艾利斯用西班牙语写了一本以亚洲和美洲的关系以及“自然灾害”为中心的故事集。但她的“自然灾难”实际上是共同生活的灾难、共存的灾难。 The relations between China,the Asian world and Latin America are centuries old,rich in tradition and intense at all times.Yet,in many cases,they are buried tradition that need to be brought back to the light of day and raised to consciousness.This article attempts to prove this thesis by means of four historical moments in different epochs and in different parts of the Latin American subcontinent.In the 19th century,the famous school of painters of Cuzco drew not only from indigenous and European traditions,but also from Asian ones,which can be traced in the form of biombos to Japan and further back to China.Already in Neo-Spanish texts of the early 16th century,for example in Chimalpahin,there is a lot of evidence for the presence of Asian delegations,which also stood for artistic traditions that can be traced through the entire colonial period.At the end of the same period,JoséJoaquín Fernández de Lizardi,in the first Hispano-American novel El Periquillo Sarniento,sketches a utopia for the nascent nation of Mexico that leads not to the Caribbean,as in Thomas More,but to the Pacific,and whose main character is a Chinese.Towards the end of the 19th century,the future national hero of the Philippines JoséRizal,the descendant of an immigrant from Fujian province,becomes with his novel Noli me tangere the great and last representative of a Spanish-language Filipino literature in which Chinese cultural elements are strongly represented.And toward the end of the 20th century,Anna Kazumi Stahl,born in New Orleans and the daughter of a German-born US American and a Japanese woman,wrote a volume of stories about Buenos Aires and in Spanish that focused on relations between Asia and America and on“natural disasters.”Her“natural disasters,”however,are really disasters of living together,disasters of conviviality.
作者 奥特马尔·埃特 范妮(译) Ottmar Ette(Institute for Romance Studies,University of Potsdam,Potsdam,Brandenburg,Germany)
出处 《外国语言与文化》 2022年第2期1-11,共11页 Foreign Languages and Cultures
关键词 跨文化交流 国际文化关系 世界文学 中拉关系 文学史 intercultural communication international cultural relations world literature China-Latin America relations literary history
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