"佃"字的《説文》説解爲"佃,中也"。遍檢秦漢典籍,"中也"既非"佃"字本義,亦非其引申義或假借義。段玉裁説是"古義"。本文認爲段注所改未盡得之,當就許慎説解增補一字,爲"佃,中佃也"。經考察,"佃"字説解涉及"畋、甸、田"等字。"田、畋、佃、甸"四字在文獻中有異文、同訓、一曰等關係,形成一個形、音、義、用等四方面交錯關聯的字組。該字組中"田"字以外各字的共同特點是:1. 字形和"田"字有關,互爲異文,但均不在《説文》田部中。2. 字音和"田"字相同或相近。3. 字義和"田"字的引申義相同或相關,可互訓。4. 字用和"田"字的用法相同相近。本文整理出各字的用法系聯表,從中發現許慎的説解是基於各正篆在文獻中的種種用法及其相互關聯,統籌兼顧之後做出的,"佃"字説解的目的是爲了保存一個僅有孤證的古義,宜用孤例直接充當説解。
Di àn(佃) is interpreted as "medium" in Shuowen Jiezi(佃,中也).Through the retrieval from books of Qin and Han Dynasties,"medium" is neither Dian’s(佃)original meaning,nor its extended or borrowed meaning.Duan Yucai thought "medium horse-drawn carriage" is Dian’s(佃)ancient meaning.In this paper,the author thinks that Duan’s notes are not fully explained,and we are supposed to add one character to the explanation of Shuowen Jiezi.That is,"佃,中佃也"(中佃 means medium horse-drawn carriage).After research,the explanation of Di àn(佃) involves characters such as Tian(畋),Di àn(甸),Ti án(田). The four characters Ti án(田)、Ti án(畋)、Di àn(佃)、Di àn(甸),having the relations of different writing forms,explanations with synonymsand another meaning of a character,form a character-group of interlaced connection in form,pronunciation,meaning and use.Tian(畋)、Di àn(佃)、Di àn(甸) have something in common:1.They are related to Tian 田 and are different forms of each other,but they are not in the Tian(田) radical in Shuowen Jiezi.2.Pronunciation of each character is the same as or similar to Tian(田).3.Their Meanings are the same as or related to the extended meaning of Ti án(田),so they can explain each other.4.Their usages are the same as or similar to Ti án(田).We sort out the system tables of these characters and concluded that Xu Shen’s explanations,based on the various usages of all orthodox seal characters in literature and their interrelations,are overall and integrated approaches.The purpose to interpret Tian(佃) is not to just explain a character,but to preserve an ancient meaning with single literary proof.Therefore,it make sense to use single literary proof as the explanation.
Explanation in Shuowen Jiezi
中佃(Medium horse-drawn carriage)
Formmeaning system
Linking up tables of usages of characters