不满于左翼的话语霸权和右翼在欧洲问题上的失声,以阿兰·德·伯努瓦(Alain de Benoist)为首的法国"新右派"(Nouvelle Droite)知识分子提出了一种既不同于欧盟模式和普遍主义的欧洲主义,又超越了民族主义和帝国主义的独特右翼欧洲主义思想。以反平等主义为核心的自由主义批判、"差异的权利"(right to difference)和重建"欧洲帝国"的理想构成了伯努瓦欧洲主义思想中最重要的部分:其中以反平等主义为核心的自由主义批判构成了其思想的背景和基础;"差异的权利"构成了其理论内核,是其针对现代性危机的解决方案;而"欧洲帝国"理想是对其"差异的权利"主张的逻辑延伸和实践方案。伯努瓦欧洲主义思想是一种基于现实问题并突破思想畛域的重要尝试,其在现代性批判、"第三条道路"和种族主义上远离了法西斯主义,但其对群体身份的保守认知和对多样性不加批判的赞赏,使得其更容易被极右翼政治所利用,成为推行排斥论的思想武器。伯努瓦欧洲主义思想对法国"国民阵线"产生了重要的思想与组织影响,同时借助伯努瓦的巨大影响力和"新右派"在各国搭建的跨国网络,其在话语体系、斗争策略和社会环境三个层面上也对欧美极右翼政治产生了广泛而深远的影响。
Irritated by the discursive hegemony of the left-wing and the silence of the right-wing on the European Question,the French Nouvelle Droite led by Alain de Benoist proposed a uniquely new strand of right-wing Europeanism,one which differs totally from the EU construction and universalism-based Europeanism,and goes beyond the traditionally-held nationalism and imperialism.The criticism of liberalism with antiegalitarianism at the core,"right to difference",and the ideal of restoring a"European Empire"together make up the most important parts of de Benoist’s Europeanism.The criticism of liberalism constitutes the background and the basis."Right to difference"is the theoretical core and serves as the solution to the crisis of modernity.The ideal of an"European Empire"is a logical extension and action plan of"right to difference".The Europeanism of de Benoist is an important intellectual effort to combine metapolitical thinking with current issues and to move beyond traditional boundaries.De Benoist distances himself from fascism in its criticism of modernity,its unique search for"the Third Way"and its opposition to racism.Its relatively conservative conception of collective identity and its uncritical praise of diversity,however,leave it more vulnerable to far right political manipulation as useful weapons to justify and promote exclusionism.De Benoist’s Europeanism has had important impacts on the French radical right party"Front National"in discourse and personnel,and with the great reputation of Alain de Benoist and the transnational network established by the ND,further on the whole far right politics in the aspects of discourse,strategies and environments.
World Politics Studies