The equilibrium geometry and hyperfine coupling constants of cation CHCOhave been calculated by the UHF method, within the ab initio MO LCAO SCF approximation. The minimal basis set STO-3G was used. The ground state of this cation is ~2Band it is a π-radical. Compared with its neutral parent molecule, the cation has a markedly long C=C bond (1.4138A) and a slightly short C=O bond (1.1738A), which have been explained by raeans of the analysis of their electronic structures. Based on the theory of Amos and Snyder, annihilation of the quartet contamination in the UHF wavefunetion results in an approximate pure doublet wavefunction. The isotropic hyperfine coupling constants aof cation CHCOwere evaluated from both the spin densities without and with quartet annihilation, which are 49.9G and 16.3G, respectively. The latter one is close to the experimental value (≈20G).
Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica