
深化学习的跨领域课程:台湾地区的课程案例探讨 被引量:3

Interdisciplinary Curriculum for Deep Learning:Discussion on Taiwan region’s Curriculum Cases
摘要 近年来,各国重视培养学生核心素养,而核心素养是超越个别学科的通用能力,无法借由任何单一学科养成,跨学科统整的课程因而开始受到重视。事实上,跨学科课程并非新概念,早在2000年初,中国内地、香港和台湾地区的学校皆曾尝试过课程统整。但是由于统整的课程设计本来就有难度,当时许多学校未能充分理解统整课程的观念,以致出现了许多"为统整而统整"的问题,也招致"浅化学习"的批评。跨学科课程主要是"整合不同学科的知识与方法"以"培养问题解决的能力",其焦点就在于"统整"与"问题探究"。倘若能让学生运用不同学科的知能,深入探究某个现象或问题,一方面可以统合不同学科的视角来思考问题,另一方面也让学科知识得以活化应用。台湾地区从2019年8月开始实施的十二年一贯新课程,也基于核心素养的前提,再度倡导跨学科统整课程。本文借由两个台湾地区的跨学科课程案例,通过教师实施与修正课程的过程,分析教师对于跨学科课程中深度学习的理解与反思,最后提出有关跨领域课程设计的启示。 In recent years,various countries have paid much attention to the key competencies,which are generic skills that transcend individual subjects.To cultivate the kind of transversal competence,the interdisciplinary curriculum is taken as the essential way.In fact,the interdisciplinary curriculum is not a new concept.As early as in the year of 2000,schools in the China's mainland,Hong Kong region and Taiwan region have tried to implement the integrated curriculum.However,due to the difficulty in designing integrative curriculum,and many school teachers failing to fully understand the related concept,the school curriculum was criticized for“shallow learning”.The interdisciplinary course aims to integrate knowledge and methods of different disciplines to cultivate problem-solving skills,so that its focus is on“integration”and“inquiry”.If students can use the knowledge of different disciplines to deeply explore a certain phenomenon or problem,on the one hand,they can integrate the perspectives of different disciplines to think about the problem,on the other hand,they can internalize and apply subject knowledge.In August 2019,Taiwan of China began to implement the new 12-year national education curriculum,which took 9 key competencies as common goals for grade 1-12 students and advocates interdisciplinary integrated curriculum.This article mainly discusses school teachers’understanding and reflection during the process of designing and implementing interdisciplinary courses through the analysis of two cases in Taiwan of China,and finally proposes implications on interdisciplinary curriculum design.
作者 周淑卿 CHOU Shuching(The School of Curriculum and Instructional Communication Technology,Taipei University of Education,Taipei,106,China)
出处 《全球教育展望》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第11期15-25,共11页 Global Education
关键词 跨领域课程 课程统整 探究式学习 深度学习 interdisciplinary curriculum curriculum integration inquiry-based learning deep learning
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