

From Sorghum Soul to Red Flag——A Review of Wang Ju’s Art in Dance-Drama Choreography
摘要 王举首次进入舞蹈界的视野,是他携《高粱魂》进京参加“‘88’舞剧观摩研讨会”。这部舞剧是“以现代思维观照传统文化”的力作,通过作品的“个性”显示了创作的“自主、自信和自由”,并映射出人类生命的灵魂。此后,王举的舞剧创作便备受舞蹈界关注,如《大荒的太阳》《关东女人》《鹤鸣湖》以及《红旗》。总体来说,他的舞剧创作呈现出三大特点:一是擅长于注重人物情感而非具体故事情节的“组舞式”结构和“意象化”思维,摒弃复杂的故事交代和逻辑关系的陈述,只保留极具内驱力和暗示力的内容,因为在他看来,这种结构是舞蹈艺术的本体性特征,即“舞蹈是以形体动作直接展示心灵、心绪、心态的艺术”;二是热衷于同“寻根”的当代思潮对话,这是对其提出的创作“现代中国舞”而非“中国现代舞”的呼应;三是深扎于自己所处的现实,以舞蹈思维的活跃和视点的精明,在舞中挥展创新意识和创新能力,并以其现代意识观照地域文化,体现出一种“现实情怀”。 Wang Ju entered the world of dance by bringing his Sorghum Soul to the 1988 Dance-drama Seminar in Beijing.This work of dance-drama is a contemplation of traditional culture from a modern perspective.It shows the autonomy,confidence and freedom of artistic creation by casting light on personality and the soul of humanity.Since then,Wang Ju’s dance-drama works have attracted the attention of the dance world,such as The Sun in the Wilderness,Women of the East,Lake Heming,and Red Flag.Overall,in dance-drama creation,he has shown three characteristics:First,he is good at group dance structuring and“imagery”,thinking that focuses more on characters’emotions than storylines.Abandoning complex story explanations and statements of logical relationships,he only retains the content with strong inner drive and suggestive force,because he believes that this structure is the essential feature of dance art.In other words,“dance is an art that directly displays the mind,mood and state of mind through physical movements”.Second,he is keen on the current trend of“seeking roots”,which echoes his proposal to create“modern Chinese dance”rather than“Chinese modern dance”.The third is to focus on the reality in which he lives,and to use dance thinking as an active new perspective to unleash creativity and innovationability.In this way,he recaptures the regional culture with his modern consciousness,reflecting an innovative commitment to reality.
作者 于平 Yu Ping
出处 《当代舞蹈艺术研究》 2021年第4期13-22,31,共11页 Contemporary Dance Research
基金 国家社科基金艺术学重大招标项目“当代中国舞剧的历史脉络、创作实践与发展态势研究(1949—2019)”(批准号:19ZD17)阶段性成果之一。
关键词 王举 大型舞剧 创作 述评 《高粱魂》 《红旗》 Wang Ju large-scale dance-drama creation review Sorghum Soul Red Flag
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