

Crop Disease Spore Flow Dynamic Detection Method Based on Airborne Microfluidic Chip
摘要 为解决微流控芯片孢子检测复用率低的问题,提出一种基于气载微流控芯片的作物病害孢子流式动态检测方法。根据微尺度下作物病害孢子气体动力学特征设计平行双鞘流聚焦的微流控芯片,实现孢子的聚焦流动;利用光路聚焦原理和双向Mie散射原理设计光电检测结构;将微流控芯片和光电检测结构组合搭建光电检测系统,根据前向散射光强信息建立粒径与光强的检测模型,并融合前向和侧向散射光强信息,实现稻曲病孢子和聚苯乙烯微球的有效分类。仿真和实验结果表明:样品在芯片入口流速为2.5 mL/min、鞘流流速为12 mL/min时,粒子聚焦宽度为8μm,粒子富集率可达96.7%;稻曲病孢子和聚苯乙烯微球粒径与光强检测模型的决定系数为0.9666,平均检测误差为7.04%,芯片复用率提高约9倍。研究结果为作物病害检测传感器的研发提供了理论基础。 Crop disease monitoring has always been a research hotspot in the field of agricultural engineering because of its serious damage to the world’s food.In recent years,the use of microfluidic chip microbial sensors for crop disease detection has received attention from scholars.However,most of current microfluidic chips have the defect of low reuse rate.In response to this problem,a parallel double sheath flow focusing microfluidic chip was proposed,which was composed of an injection channel,a double sheath flow channel,a partial pressure channel,a detection channel and a circular chamber.Fungal spores entered the chip from the sampling channel with the airflow,and then were arranged in the center of the chip by the action of the double sheath airflow.Air pressure was controlled by the partial pressure channel to ensure that the fungal spores entered the detection area of the chip at the speed required by the test.Subsequently,fungal spores followed the airflow into the circular enrichment area.Experimental data showed that the spore velocity was decreased with the increase of the chamber diameter.Circular chamber diameter of 2500μm had the best enrichment effect,and the particle enrichment rate can reach 96.7%.An air pump was connected to the outlet of the chip to extract fungal spores,which can improve the reuse rate of the chip.Rice spores used were from the China National Rice Research Institute,and polystyrene microsphere samples were purchased from Tianjin Daye Technology Co.,Ltd..The experimental platform was built by aerosol generator,semiconductor laser,microfluidic chip,circuit board,focusing optical path device and other equipment.In order to realize the focused arrangement of fungal spores,the sample inlet flow rate and sheath flow rate needed to be optimized.Optimization results showed that,when the sampling flow rate and sheath flow rate of the chip were 2.5 mL/min and 12 mL/min,respectively,the particle focus width was 8μm,which can realize the particle focus arrangement and flow through the detection area in a row.The entire detection system was also composed of a focusing optical path device and a signal acquisition circuit.The focusing optical path device was composed of a filter,a half lens with a focal length of 14 mm and an aperture surface of 10μm,which can focus the light source to about 10μm.The laser would excite spores passing through the detection area to produce forward and side scattered light,and then these two scattered lights would be collected by the signal collection circuit and transmitted to the upper computer.The forward scattered light signal contained the size information of the particles.Based on the experimental results,a detection model for the particle size and light intensity was established,with coefficient of determination of 0.9666,which had a good linearity.The side-scattered light signal contained the complexity of the particles.The forward and side-scattered light intensity information was fused to achieve effective classification of rice spore spores and polystyrene microspheres,with an average detection error of 7.04%,and the chip reuse rate was increased by about 9 times.The research result can provide a basis for the research and development of crop disease monitoring sensors.
作者 杨宁 张素亮 王亚飞 袁寿其 毛罕平 张晓东 YANG Ning;ZHANG Suliang;WANG Yafei;YUAN Shouqi;MAO Hanping;ZHANG Xiaodong(School of Electrical and Information Engineering,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang 212013,China;School of Agricultural Engineering,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang 212013,China;Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang 212013,China)
出处 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期318-325,共8页 Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
基金 江苏大学农装学部项目(NZXB20200205) 国家自然科学基金项目(32171895、32071905) 水稻生物学国家重点实验室开放项目(20200303) 江苏省优势学科项目(PAPD)
关键词 稻曲病孢子 聚苯乙烯微球 微流控芯片 MIE散射理论 光电检测 spores of rice smut polystyrene microspheres microfluidic chip Mie scattering theory photoelectric detection
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