
文艺复兴时期的人文学科与艺术知识体系的革新 被引量:1

The Reform of the Art Knowledge System by the Humanities in the Renaissance
摘要 与"人文主义"这个19世纪确立的宏大概念不同,现代的人文学科肇始于文艺复兴时期,其学科特征在于:一是兼重诗歌文学与实用精神,发展出应用性的语言学科;二是重视历史,推动新史学观的形成;三是关注世俗,出离形而上的哲学传统;四是复兴古典,带动科学特别是数学的应用化发展。这种世俗的、通识性的、应用性的学科特质尤为显著地投射在艺术知识领域,造就了艺术批评的修辞化、艺术经验的理论化,发展出了艺术史学科,令艺术的知识体系得到了全方位的改造和更新,艺术反过来成为人文主义精神的最佳叙事载体。文艺复兴时期的人文学科以一种一般性知识的姿态柔化了中世纪神学、科学、自由艺术及工匠经验间的坚固界限,动摇了哲学、科学与艺术之间的长久宰制关系,将文化、政治、道德、宗教及自然科学等知识与工匠技艺经验联通起来,为艺术在知识层面获得自主和在哲学层面获得自律打开了通路。 Different from the grand concept of"humanism"established in the 19 th century,the study of modern humanities began in the Renaissance.Its disciplinary characteristics were as follows:(1)it paid attention to both poetry and literature and practical spirit,and developed applied language science;(2)it paid attention to poetry and literature and practical spirit;Second,we should attach importance to history and promote the formation of a new historical view;(3)it paid attention to the common customs at that time,and deviated from the metaphysical philosophical tradition;(4)it revived classical knowledge and promoted the applied development of natural science,especially mathematics.This secular,popular and applied discipline trait was projected in the field of art knowledge,which promoted the rhetoric of art criticism and the theorization of art experience,and developed the discipline of art history,which made the knowledge system of art get all-round transformation and renewal.On the contrary,art also became the best embodiment of the spirit of humanism.The humanities in the Renaissance period softened the firm boundaries among theology,science,liberal arts and craftsman’s experience in the Middle Ages with the attitude of general knowledge,and abolished the long-term suppression of philosophy and science on art.It connected the knowledge of culture,politics,morality,religion and natural science with craftsman’s experience,and opened the way for the Art to be independent in the level of knowledge.
作者 孙晓霞 Sun Xiaoxia
机构地区 中国艺术研究院
出处 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第7期147-156,共10页 Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences
关键词 人文学科 知识特性 艺术知识体系改造 艺术自律 文科价值 studia humanitatis characteristics of knowledge innovation of artistic knowledge the autonomy of Art the value of humanities
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