
重复使用飞行器嵌入式大气数据系统试验验证方法 被引量:1

A Test and Verification Method of Flush Air Data System for Reusable Aircraft
摘要 可重复使用飞行器是目前航天领域的研究热点,而对于高速再入飞行器在再入大气层时,获得准确的迎角、侧滑角和动压等飞行参数对于控制稳定具有至关重要的作用。传统的外伸式空速管和迎角/侧滑角传感系统在高速状态下会下会引发一系列结构和防热问题,且无法适用于大迎角飞行状态。针对上述问题,设计了嵌入式大气数据系统(Flush air data system,FADS)。FADS以嵌入在机身表面的多测压孔压力信息测量为基础,结合压力分布模型进行大气参数的求解。分别通过试验室试验对FADS算法的正确性以及风洞试验对FADS全系统的适应性进行了验证。试验结果可以有效地对FADS的性能进行评估。 Reusable aircraft has been a research hotspot in the field of aerospace.When a high-speed re-entry vehicle re-enters the atmosphere,accurate flight parameters such as angle of attack,sideslip angle and dynamic pressure,plays a crucial role in control and stability.The traditional outrigger pitot tube and angle of attack/sideslip sensing system causes a series of structural and thermal problems at a high speed,and cannot be applied to high angle of attack flight conditions.In order to solve these problems,a flush air data system(FADS)is developed.Combined with the pressure distribution model,FADS solves the atmospheric parameters based on the measurement of pressure information from multiple pressure taps embedded in the surface of the fuselage.The correctness of the FADS algorithm is verified by laboratory tests and the adaptability of the FADS is verified by wind tunnel tests.The test results can effectively evaluate the performance of FADS.
作者 胡声曼 祁琪 梁禄扬 陈怡 HU Shengman;QI Qi;LIANG Luyang;CHEN Yi(Beijing Aerospace Automatic Control Institude,Beijing 100854,China)
出处 《南京航空航天大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第S01期74-79,共6页 Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics
关键词 嵌入式大气数据系统(FADS) 精度评估 仿真验证 风洞试验 flush air data system(FADS) accuracy evaluation simulation verification wind tunnel test
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