To govern the country,we must govern the Party with strict discipline,which must be enforced in accordance with the law.This was the basic experience of the CPC in governing the country since its founding 100 years ago.Based on the scale of historical materialism,this paper focuses on the internal and external difficulties facing the Party construction in the new era,and expounds the historical and theoretical logic of the construction of intra-party regulations and its enlightenment to national governance.The construction of intra-party regulations should conform to basic Marxist methodologies such as dialectical materialism and historical materialism,as well as general scientific methodologies such as formal logic and dialectical logic,and adhere to the dialectical principle of the unity of history and logic.A scientific and systematic system of intra-party laws and regulations provides strong theoretical and practical guidance for breaking the historical periodic law,the Thucydides trap,the Tacitus trap,the dilemma of collective action,the paradox of national development,and the middle-income trap.It has enriched the theoretical system of Marxism,enriched Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,and consolidated the cornerstone of the theory of Party building.It has played an important role in the modernization of the Party’s system and capacity for governance,the realization of the second centenary goal,and the ultimate realization of communism.
RAN Siwei(School of Marxism,Ningbo University,Ningbo Zhejiang 315211,China)
Journal of Ningbo Open University
Intra-party laws and regulations
The founding of the party for A century
National Governance