

Multi-Dimensional Presentation of Forging a Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation in the Third-Front Construction from the Perspective of Oral History
摘要 铸牢中华民族共同体意识是新时代民族关系发展和中华民族伟大复兴的诉求,回溯始于二十世纪60年代的三线建设,多维度为凝聚中华民族共同体意识做了铺垫。政治层面,通过实行党的民族政策和法制建设,加强了党的领导,增强了各族人民对中国共产党的认同;经济层面,“工业反哺农业”促进了生产力发展,跨越式的“共同发展”快速提高了民族地区的整体生活水平,促进了各民族人民平等交往和交流,增强了对国家的认同;文化层面,多种途径的文化交流和交融,增强了对中华民族的情感认同;教育层面,平等、优惠的教育政策,以及教育内容同质化等,培育了青少年一代的中华民族共同体意识,有利于中华民族共同体意识的代际传递和持续铸牢。在口述史视域之下,通过西南民族地区三线建设亲历者的回忆,讲述民族交往交流交融的变化历程,挖掘三线建设在铸牢中华民族共同体意识中的价值和历史经验,为新时期凝聚民族精神、增强民族认同、持续铸牢中华民族共同体意识提供参考。 Dating back to the 1960s,the Third-Front Construction can be considered as a“baptism”in southwest China,affecting the development of ethnic minority areas in the political,economic,cultural,educational,and other aspects.From the perspective of oral history,this paper recounts a)the changing course of ethnic exchange,interaction,and integration when ordinary people go through memory lane in various industries,and b)attempts to explore the value of the Third-Front Construction in forging a Chinese national community consciousness,intending to bolster the national spirit,enhance national identity,and continue forging a sense of community for the Chinese nation.Firstly,the Third-Front Construction provided an effective guarantee for the consolidation of the Chinese national community consciousness at the political level.The units or institutes involved in the Third-Front Construction projects provided education on ethnic equality as well as solidarity to their employees;policies emphasizing the development of ethnic cadres were also implemented.Meanwhile,the“rule of law”provided a strong guarantee for community building.During the Third-Front Construction period,the socialist ethnic legal system with Chinese characteristics—with ethnic regional autonomy law as its core—gained wider acclaim and acceptance in ethnic areas.Secondly,economic development apparently provided a material foundation for consolidating the Chinese national community.Moreover,the“industries feeding back into agriculture”policy promoted the development of productivity,and the demand for scaled-up factories and mining enterprises drove an increase in crop varieties and yields.At the same time,the workers for the Third-Front Construction developed advanced agricultural production techniques.The idea of“mutual development”improved the quality of life for local people as well as the quality of transportation,accommodation,environment,and healthcare;what is more,the overall living standards in ethnic regions were likewise rapidly raised.The exchange and integration of the various regional cuisines fostered closer connections and emotional bonds among different ethnic groups.Thirdly,cultural integration has strengthened emotional identification with the Chinese national community.The Third-Front Construction created a platform for dialogue,exchange of ideas,and critical discussion among different ethnic peoples.Innovation in clothing design,a fusion of festivals,variations in accents,and the blending of customs related to marriage,funerals,and other traditions all reflect a kind of cultural convergence.The shared experiences and mutual understanding have become the intrinsic driving force behind the ethnic-cultural cross-pollination.Fourthly,the development of education has enhanced the sustainability of the Chinese national community consciousness:1)Equal and preferential education policies based on the regional conditions have promoted the expansion of ethnic education;2)comprehensive support and teaching provided by the units or institutes of the Third-Front projects have changed the educational perspectives of ethnic communities;3)schools have become the main battleground for fostering the Chinese national community consciousness among young people;4)the homogenization of educational content has both strengthened the sense of national identity and nurtured the Chinese national community consciousness among young people.During the period of the Third-Front Construction,the development of ethnic relations was promoted through policy guarantees,economic foundations,cultural integration,and shared education.It arguably laid the groundwork for fostering a sense of community for the Chinese nation.The paths and experiences in consolidating the Chinese national community consciousness during the Third-Front Construction period have had a positive reference value for forging a sense of community for the Chinese nation in the New Era.
作者 代俊 袁晓艳 周雪 代芮 Dai Jun;Yuan Xiaoyan;Zhou Xue;Dai Rui(Panzhihua University,Panzhihua,617000,Sichuan,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 北大核心 2023年第4期19-28,136,共11页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 2022年四川省社科规划基地重大项目“三线建设与西南民族地区铸牢中华民族共同体意识研究”(SC22EZD005)阶段性成果
关键词 中华民族共同体 三线建设 口述史 价值 历史经验 Chinese national community Third-Front Construction oral history politics economics culture education
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