
清代川、滇、藏行政分界的档案文献及史料价值 被引量:3

The Archival Documents Related to the Administrative Boundaries of Sichuan,Yunnan and Tibet during the Qing Dynasty and the Historical Value of Their Data
摘要 清中央政府决定川、滇、藏行政分界并有计划地全面实施,是稳藏治藏,确保川藏大道畅通及地区稳定的重大战略措施,既是康熙、雍正时期西藏、相邻地区及全国形势变化的结果,同时也是维护国家统一的需要,其影响极其深远。雍正二年年羹尧在"青海善后事宜十三条"前所上奏折、雍正三年雍正皇帝所颁藏文谕旨与雍正三年十二月云南提督郝玉麟会勘奏折及雍正皇帝朱批等档案文献,《清实录》《清史稿》及雍正《四川通志·西域》《西域全书》等清代早期西藏方志中均未载。在康熙末年至雍正三年川、滇、藏行政分界的进展研究、行政分界中对格鲁派集团采取的措施与注意听取云南方面意见的相关研究及年羹尧在川、滇、藏行政分界中的历史作用研究中,这些档案文献都具有值得重视的史料价值。 The division of the administrative boundaries of Sichuan,Yunnan and Tibet during the late Kangxi and Yongzheng periods of the Qing dynasty was a major strategic measure undertaken by the Qing court to ensure the stability of Tibet and its neighboring regions,strengthen its governance over Tibetan areas,and ensure smooth passage from Sichuan to Tibet.It reflects the determination of the Qing central government to safeguard national unity,maintain the stability and governance of Tibet,and it had a far-reaching impact.In recent years,I found that domestic and foreign scholars’ research on this administrative division has mainly depended on materials from the qing shi gao(Qing Historical Documents) and qing shi lu(Qing Records),and that they paid less attention to the historical archives or records in local chronicles.Historical materials are the basis of historical research.Due to the lack of historical materials,some issues cannot be explored in depth.While writing my monograph,I noticed relevant records in local Tibetan chronicles from the early Qing dynasty and found some valuable materials.Nonetheless,historical data concerning some specific issues during the process of dividing the administrative boundaries is still lacking.Many of the contents found in the archival documents of the Qing dynasty are not included in qing shi gao,qing shi lu,and local Tibetan chronicles from the early Qing dynasty.However,some of those historical materials are very valuable for the study of the administrative divisions.So,we should pay attention to and use them.It is necessary to further discuss the administrative boundaries of Sichuan,Yunnan and Tibet in Qing dynasty.Therefore,this article is specially written to discuss the historical value of several archives concerning the administrative boundaries of Sichuan,Yunnan and Tibet in Qing dynasty so as to attract the attention of relevant researchers.According to the qing shi lu,as early as the first half of 1718(the 57 th year of Kangxi),the idea of Litang and Batang "as the frontier pass of Sichuan province" had been clearly proposed.(qing,1982,P.210-211) This idea,in fact,had involved the issue of administrative boundaries of Sichuan,Yunnan,and Tibet.Later,the attitude and position taken by of Nian Genyao,the governor of Sichuan province,regarding the disputes between Sichuan and Yunnan on the issue of Litang and Batang probably had something to do with it.(qing 1982,p.235-236) After the Qing army successfully marched into Tibet and expelled the Dzungar army,the most important matter was to take measures to maintain the stability of Tibet and prevent further harassment by the Dzungar army.There were no further concrete actions taken with regard to the administrative boundary divisions of Sichuan,Yunnan and Tibet during the latter years of Kangxi,and also no clear records in the historical records and archival documents concerning any further preparation for or discussion of the administrative boundary divisions of the areas.By the time emperor Yongzheng ascended the throne,the matter had risen to prominence again and relevant records again appeared in the archives.The following is a brief introduction to several related archival documents together with a brief analysis:1.A memorial of Nian Genyao to the throne in the second year of the Yongzheng reign before submitting the memorial entitled the "Thirteen for Matters Concerning Reconstruction in Qinghai".This memorial shows that before submitting the"Thirteen actions for Qinghai Matters concerning Reconstuction",Nian already had a relatively clear idea on and suggestions for the administrative boundary divisions of Sichuan,Yunnan and Tibet.2.An edict written in Tibetan issued by Emperor Yongzheng in the third year of the Yongzheng reign.The explicit statement regarding the administrative boundary divisions between Tibet and the inland in this edict indicates that there was already a specific plan for the administrative boundary divisions approved by Emperor Yongzheng circa the12th month of the third year of the Yongzheng reign.3.Yunnan provincial Commander-in-Chief,Hao Yulin’s memorial to the throne and Emperor Yongzheng’s comments written in red with a brush during the third year of the Yongzheng reign.Although the comments of Yongzheng emperor are few,they show that at this time the emperor had basically accepted the earlier opinion on the administrative boundary divisions of Sichuan and Yunnan provinces.Combined with historical records,this article focuses on the historical value of these documents from three aspects:1) As a study of the process of making the administrative boundary divisions of Sichuan,Yunnan and Tibet from the late years of Kangxi to Yongzheng;2) As relevant studies on measures taken against the Gelugpa group and Emperor Yongzheng’s paying attention and listening to the views of Yunnan during the process of deciding the administrative boundary divisions;3) As a study on Nian Genyao’s historical values in making the administrative boundary divisions of Sichuan,Yunnan and Tibet.In the Qing dynasty,the creation of the administrative divisions of Sichuan,Yunnan and Tibet began in the late years of Kangxi,spanning the Kangxi and Yongzheng reigns.The whole process can be divided into three stages up until 1732(the tenth year of Yongzheng).The brief introduction and discussion of this article covers only the stage1 and the first half of stage 2,that is,from 1718(57 th year of Kangxi) to 1725(3 rd year of Yongzheng).Although the time frame involved is not long,these years concern a key period during which the administrative boundary divisions of Sichuan,Yunnan and Tibet were put forward,prepared,planned and formed specific plans under the background of the collapse of Hesuote,who had controlled Tibet and the adjacent Tibetan areas since the end of the Ming dynasty and the Qing central government’s strengthening of the governance in Tibetan areas.As one of the measures to strengthen the governanceover Tibetan areas,ensure the stability of Tibet and its neighboring regions,as well as to provide smooth passage from Sichuan to Tibet,the administrative boundary divisions were was carried out in a planned and step-by-step way under the concern and leadership of the Qing central government.Although there were some problems in the implementation process,it was generally smooth.The administrative boundary divisions fully reflect the central government’s jurisdiction over Tibet.After completing demarcation,the main objectives had been basically achieved,and a basic demarcation pattern which delineated Sichuan,Yunnan,Tibet and adjacent areas of Qinghai,which has lasted to the present time,was formed.For thestudy of the history of Qing dynasty,the most important and reliable historical materials are found in archival documents.The compilation of qing shi gao was mainly based on memoirs,records,cases,local chronicles,and archives,etc.It was not possible to include many documents,such as memorials to the throne,or to draw materials from them.The compilation of qing shi lu mainly depended on archives and documents.It recorded mostly imperial edicts,and memorials to the throne,but some important memorials were also not included.In the Tibetan annals of the early Qing dynasty,we find some materials which can make up for the deficiency of the historical records.However,due to the limitation of the conditions under which they were compiled,it is impossible to get or draw upon materials from some important archival documents when data was being collected for compiling the Yongzheng sichuan tongzhi·xiyu(Sichuan Annals·Western Region),xiyu quanshu(The Western Encyclopedia),xizhangzhi kao(Textual Criticism of Annals of Tibet),xizang zhi(Annals of Tibet),etc.Judging from current investigations,there are many documents concerning Tibet affairs which are similar to the qing shi lu,qing shi gao and which have not been included in the Tibetan annals compiled in the early Qing dynasty.For example,there is a memorial drafted by Nian Genyao to the throne in the second year of the Yongzheng reign before he submitted the memorial of "Thirteen Matters Concerning Reconstruction for Qinghai,an edict written in Tibetan issued by Emperor Yongzheng in the third year of the Yongzheng reign,and the Yunnan provincial Commander-in-Chief,Hao Yulin’s memorial to the throne with Emperor Yongzheng’s comments written in red with a brush during the third year of the Yongzheng reign.Their historical value should be noted,and the data from these materials should be collected and used in relevant research.
作者 赵心愚 Zhao Xinyu(Southwest Minzu University,Chengdu,610041,Sichuan,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期1-7,118-120,共10页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“西藏地方志资料的整理与研究”(17ZDA159)阶段性成果
关键词 清代治藏战略 川、滇、藏行政分界 档案文献史料 清代西藏方志 史料价值 Qing dynasty’s governance strategy of Tibet administrative boundary divisions of Sichuan,Yunnan and Tibet archival documents Annals of Tibet in the Qing dynasty historical value
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