

The National Identity of Tuva People in Russia
摘要 当今世界多民族国家大多面临如何实现国家社会凝聚,民族认同与国家认同如何一致起来的问题。利用"田野回望"这一认识和研究方法,从生活实际出发,在无论是作为俄罗斯地理的边缘,还是人文的边缘——图瓦,回望莫斯科,回望俄罗斯,回望中央、核心,在图瓦感受俄罗斯民族国家认同,把脉俄罗斯社会凝聚状况。研究显示,图瓦族传统文化功能依然发挥核心作用,同时大量吸收了俄罗斯文化及现代文化要素;"图瓦族"-"我们是图瓦人"的民族意识、民族情感、民族认同意识尚很浓厚,同时俄罗斯国家认同明确,并迫切希望本族、本地区获得高速发展。图瓦个案表明,二十一世纪俄罗斯民族关系的主流表现为民族共生,文化吸收,民族认同与国家认同日益一致的发展趋势。 Today, more than 90% of the countries in the world are multi-ethnic( ethnically diverse),and their ethnic structure is one which is one that is mostly composed of one main ethnic group together with several ethnic minorities( including immigrant groups). In recent years, many multi-ethnic countries are facing a prominent problem: how to achieve social cohesion within ethnic diversity? And,how can there be agreement between national identity and ethnic identity? The national identity of ethnic groups in Russia,Russia’s way of dealing with ethnic issues,as well as the situation of Russian society after the collapse of the Soviet Union were my research interests during my study in Russia.Currently, social science research can be roughly divided into two orientations,one is theoryoriented research,and the other is problem-oriented research. Compared with theory-oriented research,problem-oriented research mainly focuses on the problems of modern and contemporary society,and directly takes these problems as the research object. This article uses the "reflective fieldwork"-reflection or reflectivity is a recognized research method, which takes references from literature,relies on first-hand information,and starts from the reality of life. In doing so,the article will reflect on Moscow,Russia,the center or core,and Tuva-whether as a geographical periphery or as a cultural frontier of Russia,in order to understand the national identity of Russians in Tuva,and understand the situation of social cohesion in Russia. It is initially considered that traditional culture of the Tuvans still plays a central role,while at the same time,many elements of Russian culture and modern culture have been absorbed. A sense of ethnic consciousness,emotion and identity are still found within the "Tuva ethnic group". The saying "We are Tuvans"is still very strong. Meanwhile they have a clear national identity with Russia,and eagerly welcome rapid development for their own people and the region. The Tuva case shows that in the 21 st century,mainstream ethnic relations are in a trend of ethnic symbiosis,cultural absorption,and ethnic identity and national identity are becoming more and more consistent.It is not difficult to see that in Tuva,many traditional cultural functions are being practiced.For example,the belief in Buddhism and Shamanism is still very strong;ethnic languages are still widely used;the traditional activities of reindeer breeding,as well as hunting,gathering,etc. to a certain extent,are still maintained. At the same time,after nearly a hundred years of exchanges,Tuva culture and Russian culture have mutually deeply penetrated into each other ’s civil society.They have done sothrough intermarriage,as well as through the obvious absorption found in food,language,writing systems and so on. In recent years,Chinese clothing,general merchandise and other daily necessities have been widely imported,and the development of Chinese mining enterprises in Tuva has also brought a certain boost to local transportation, communications and employment. At the same time,it’s not difficult to feel their clearcut ethnic consciousness and strong ethnic emotion when they say "we are Tuva people".Seen from the perspective of the reality of Tuva,all conditions of local development need to be met,while the support from the Russian central government seems to be insufficient. Local intellectuals and the general public show a strong desire for the rapid development of local infrastructure.For those in the village societies which practice reindeer breeding and other animal husbandry,places which I visited in the eastern part of Tuva,the conditions reflect a certain lack of development and does express a certain concern. There is no doubt that if the government of the Russian Federation wants to win the support of various federal bodies and the people of all ethnic groups so as to ensure the long-term stability and unity of the country,it should understand the realities of development in all regions, and come up with good measures to speed up the social prosperity and development of the border areas and other various ethnic areas in the country. In this regard,the Russian government has a clear understanding and has issued relevant policies and measures that are relatively practical and close to public desire.The Tuva case shows that the concept of "nation"may have connotative space to be understood and expanded. People cannot cut off their historical-national memory and can not escape from their survival in reality-adjustment,adaptation or reconstruction. Just as the natural attributes of a people,such as gender,age and others,human society has national differences or different cultural backgrounds( traditional ways of life),in a sense,it also constitutes the natural attributes of human beings. Some ethnic groups or nations are still in a weak position in today’s highly competitive society because of the natural attributes of their "ethnic"culture – such as language,behavior,psychology,etc. Therefore,it is easier for them to unit under the banner of "nation"and form new "national"interests and demands. This situation has not been reduced by the continuous introduction of various national preferential policies.Seen from the situation in Tuva and in view of the long-term interests of the state,both the federal bodies of the Russian federation-the ethnic minority areas and the government of the Russian Federation,need to face reality,and adopt a historical,realistic,rational and objective attitude. First of all,for the ethnic areas and federal subjects,there is no doubt that the fate of the areas and the ethnic groups is inseparable from the fate of the Russian state. In the current situation, either both are prosperous or both destructive. On the basis of a clear and rational understanding of this point,it can be asserted that the Tuvans have a clear sense of national identity. In analyzing the future development of the nation and the region,it is necessary to repeatedly recognize the fact that without the overall development and support of the state,no federal place can achieve self-sufficient development in economy,resources and talents. For the government of the Russian Federation,it is still crucial to evaluate the domestic ethnic relations and national identity. Seen from the situation of Tuva,there might be few units who have the capability for independence from the federal body before the collapse of the Soviet Union. Perhaps their immediate desire is for greater attention,preferential policy,financial support or assistance from the central government. In this way,the government can accelerate the speed of the economic and social development,such as local infrastructure construction and narrowing the distance between developing and developed areas. The central government and the whole Russian society should fully understand this. With full respect for the authority stipulated by the constitution of various types of federal subjects,and under the premise of dealing with their subordinate relationship with the central government,there should be commitment to work hard to eliminate possible structural development differences due to ethnicity,and improve their international status through the improvement of the overall strength of the country,and by doing so unite the national society.
作者 何群 He Qun(Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology,Inner Mongolia Normal Univeristy,Hohhot,010000,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期51-59,132-133,共11页 Journal of Ethnology
关键词 田野回望 俄罗斯 图瓦 民族国家认同 reflections on the field Tuva national identity
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