

On Co-created and Shared Chinese Culture and Cultural Symbols of All Ethnic Groups in Gansu
摘要 甘肃省位于黄河上游地带,形似玉如意,黄河在这里“两进两出”,丝绸之路穿越全境,是东连关中平原、西穿戈壁沙漠、北接蒙古高原、南邻青藏高原的中国地理中心。各民族在长达8000年的历史长河中共创了独特的历史文化和现代文化。在历史与现代交融的甘肃文化中,黄河与丝路是甘肃文化产生的背景,农牧交错是甘肃文化发展的基础,连接关中平原、青藏高原、蒙古高原并向西开放是甘肃文化的功能,因此甘肃文化显示出过渡性、连接性和多元性的特点。本文根据甘肃文化的特点,总结出甘肃各民族共创共有中华文化及其符号由麦穗、羊角和高铁三部分组成。麦穗代表农耕,羊角代表游牧,高铁代表现代交通;将麦穗置于高铁之上,表示依靠现代高科技交通工具的物流沿河西走廊向西开放并与“一带一路”沿线国家互通有无;羊角跨越高铁与麦穗,象征青藏高原与蒙古高原的游牧文化通过黄河上游互相连接。 Gansu Province, shaped like a jade ruyi, sits at the upper reaches of the Yellow River. The Yellow River goes through Gansu twice;and the Silk Road crosses the whole territory of it. As the geographical center of China, Gansu is to the west of Guanzhong Plain, to the east of Gobi Desert, to the south of Mongolian Plateau, and to the north of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. For the last 8,000 years, people from different ethnic groups have been co-creating the unique culture here, both historical and modern. Culture in Gansu is the blending of history and modernity, is given birth by the Yellow River and the Silk Road, is based on both agriculture and pastoral nomadism to further develop itself, and is able to connect Guanzhong Plain with Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Mongolian Plateau, and to welcome culture from western land. Therefore, Gansu culture shows features of transition, connectivity, and plurality. Based on the features of Gansu culture,this article concludes that on co-created and shared Chinese culture and cultural symbols of all ethnic groups in Gansu consists of three parts: wheat, goat horn, and highspeed railway. Wheat stands for agriculture, goat horn for pastoral nomadism, and highspeed railway for modern transportation. By placing wheat on highspeed railway heading westward, it means that agriculture extends along the Hexi Corridor in ancient times, also that with the help of modern high-tech transportation, modern logistic helps countries alongside the Belt and Road Initiative to exchange goods. By placing the goat horn above highspeed railway and wheat, it means that the nomadic cultures in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Mongolian Plateau are connected with each other at the upper reaches of the Yellow River.
作者 徐黎丽 莫日根 XU Li-li;MO Ri-gen(Lanzhou University)
出处 《中华民族共同体研究》 2022年第5期143-154,174-175,共14页 Journal of the Chinese Nation Studies
基金 甘肃省民族事务委员会委托项目“甘肃各民族共有共享中华文化符号及中华形象研究”成果
关键词 甘肃 甘肃文化 共创共有 中华文化 文化符号 Gansu all ethnic groups co-create and share Chinese culture
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