

The Implication of the Theory of “Match Heaven with Virtue” is Human Ecological Aesthetics
摘要 "以德配天"的"天",既符指"天帝",又指"天命""天道",引申为天地自然间的法则,其内在的必然联系,决定着天地自然发展的趋向。所谓"德",与"道"原本就是一体化的,是内外一体,表里融一,隐现一如,体用不二。"德"的原初义有"生""性""姓"等义项,具有生性、天性、顺应自然、生养万物的性质,为"道"的外显化、感性化,是沟通天地、人神的媒介。"天命"的重要特质在于"德"。在西周统治者看来,上天选择人间君主的标准,是"为政以德"。人间君主意欲获得上天的支持眷顾,首要条件是涵养内在德性。上天以内在德性约束统治者的私欲。唯有"敬德""明德"的君主,才符合"天命"与"天道"的要求,才能获得上天的护佑,才能求得王朝统治的长治久安。即通过"敬德""明德"的途径,达到"永命"的目的。一旦统治者"失德",就会失去上天的庇佑,新的有德者应运而生,即可取而代之。因此,作为君临天下的统治者应该"以德配天"。这就使"人"的主体地位得到上升,"以德配天"的治理观念,受到民众的拥戴与赞颂。 "match heaven with virtue""heaven",not only refers to the"emperor of heaven",but also refers to the "mandate of heaven","tao of heaven",extended as the law between heaven and earth,its internal inevitable connection,determines the natural development trend of heaven and earth. The so-called "DE",and "tao"is originally integrated,is an internal and external integration,internal and external integration,looming as,body with no two. The original meaning of "DE"has "life","sex","name",and so on meanings of,with nature,nature,comply with the nature,have the nature of all things,for "Dao"external manifestation,sentimental,is the communication medium of heaven and earth,the people of god. The important quality of "destiny"lies in "virtue". In the view of the rulers of the western zhou dynasty,the criterion for selecting a monarch from heaven was"to govern with morality". The first condition for the earthly monarch to be favored by heaven is to cultivate his inner virtue. The ruler’ s desires are governed by virtue within heaven. Only the monarch of "jingde"and "mingde"can meet the requirements of"mandate of heaven"and"tao of heaven",obtain the protection of heaven,and obtain the lasting peace and stability of the dynastic rule. That is,through the way of "respecting morality " and"mingde",to achieve the purpose of"eternal life". Once the ruler"loses virtue",he will lose the protection of heaven,and a new one with virtue will be born to replace him. Therefore,as the ruler of the king’ s landing should"match heaven with virtue". As a result,the dominant position of"human being"has been elevated,and the concept of "matching virtue with heaven"has been supported and praised by the public.
作者 石舫
出处 《中国美学》 2020年第2期-,共11页 Chinese Aesthetics
关键词 以德配天 天命 敬德 永命 match heaven with virtue mandate of heaven respect for morality eternal mandate of heaven
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