

Industrial Time System and the Beginning of Schiller's Modern Aesthetic Philosophy of Time
摘要 自然科学知识是无时间性的,工业革命及此前的科学革命导致无时间性的科学文化的崛起。科学革命、建制化的自然科学教育体系皆服务于工业,从而造就了人类亘古未有的工业时间制度。从工业时间制度与现代审美时间哲学的关联,可以准确把握席勒美学理论的贡献与偏颇。其贡献在于:第一,从现代国家支配的分工所滋生的教育现代性弊端,揭开工业时间制度所导致的“无时间性”的理性与“眼前”的感性之间的冲突,也揭示了艺术教育或审美教育在教育制度中衰微的无时间性文明之根基。第二,把自我的“人格”与“状态”在时间性上的差异,落实于唯理性的工业时间制度与审美生活时间性的对立,突显了审美生活在时机、时宜上的重要性。这两大贡献代表着现代审美时间哲学的发端与初步建立。其偏颇在于:第一,席勒没有看到工业时间制度及教育现代性为审美生活所提供的机遇。第二,没有对科学、宗教、审美、道德在意义时间上进行清晰区分与均衡设计,因此对审美生活有不切实际的过誉与空想。 Natural science knowledge is timeless.The Industrial Revolution and the scientific revolutions before it led to the rise of timeless scientific culture.The scientific revolution and the institutionalized natural science education system both serve the industry,thus creating an industrial time system unprecedented in human history.From the relationship between the industrial time system and the modern aesthetic philosophy of time,we can accurately master the contributions and biases of Schiller's aesthetic theory.Firstly,from the shortcomings of educational modernity produced by the division of labor governed by the modern states,he revealed the conflicts between the rationality of“timelessness”caused by the industrial time system and the sensibility of“immediateness”and the foundation of the declining timeless civilization of art education or aesthetic education in the education system.Next,he attributed the timeliness difference in the“personality”and the“state”of self to the opposition of the rational industrial time system and the timeliness of aesthetic life,highlighting the importance of aesthetic life in terms of time as the meaning perused.These two represent the beginning and preliminary establishment of the modern aesthetic philosophy of time.However,there are also biases in Schiller's aesthetic theory.Firstly,Schiller failed to see the opportunities provided by the industrial time system and educational modernity to aesthetic life.In addition,he did not clearly distinguish science,religion,aesthetic,and morality in the sense of time or designed them in a balanced way,so there is an unrealistic and utopian expectation for aesthetic life.
作者 刘彦顺 Liu Yanshun(College of Liberal Arts,Jinan University)
机构地区 暨南大学文学院
出处 《美学与艺术评论》 2022年第1期50-65,278,共17页 Journal of Aesthetics and Art Review
基金 国家社科基金项目“现象学美学中的时间性思想及其效应研究”(16BZW024)的阶段成果
关键词 席勒 工业时间制度 审美时间哲学 人格 状态 Schiller industrial time system aesthetic philosophy of time personality state
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