

The Study on the Origins of Official Rhyme Book of Pei Wen ShiYun(《佩文诗韵》)in Qing Dynasty
摘要 按照清人说法,历史上流传下来的诗韵著作以元代阴时夫《韵府群玉》为典型,其“以事系韵,以韵摘事”的著述体例,即为既有韵字音义注释又广收辞藻的韵书,对后来诗韵著作影响深远。其后明代诗韵著作则舍弃其事类辞藻,摘录其韵字编成“韵字音义”性音韵学著作。所以诗韵著作实际上包含两类,一类是所谓“韵府类”音韵学著述,一类为“韵字音义”型诗韵著作。清代诗韵著作是以《佩文韵府》为基础而衍生的,《佩文诗韵》为官韵书,也就是清朝的“礼部韵略”,而后由此产生了许多民间改编本,林林总总,良莠不齐,其中最有代表性的著作是嘉庆间周兆基的《佩文诗韵释要》及清末汤文潞《诗韵合璧》等,流传甚广,不断翻刻校订。本文从《佩文韵府》编撰出发,详细研究了《佩文诗韵》的性质及其私家改编本的版本内容等,并对周氏《佩文诗韵释要》内容编排及其在清代的版刻情况作了比较详细的介绍。文章尽量做到以点带面,点面结合。 According to the people s statements in Qing dynasty,Yin Shifu's Yun Fu Qun Yu was a typical Chinese rhyme book handed down in history,and its writing style of yi shi xi yun,yi yun zhai shi(以事系韵,以韵摘事)had not only interpreted the pronunciation and meaning of characters,but also widely collected vocabularies,which had a far-reaching impact on the later rhyme books of poetry.The subsequent rhyme books of poetry in Ming dynasty abandoned the words of allusions in it,excerpted its characters and wrote rhyme books which had the nature of Yun zi yin yi(韵字音义).Hence,rhyme books actually contained two types of so-called Yun Fu(韵府)and Yun zi yin yi.Rhyme books developed in Qing dynasty were based on the Pei Wen Yun Fu(《佩文韵府》).Pei Wen Shi Yun was an official book,which was the Li Bu Yun Lue(《礼部韵略》)in Qing dynasty,and then developed so many kinds of folk adaptations of different levels,among which Zhou Zhaojl's Pei Wen Shi Yun Shi Yao(《佩文诗韵释要》)in Jiaqing year was a typical one,which widely circulated and was constantly reprinted and edited.This paper,starting from the compilation of Pei Wen Yun Fu,detailedly studied the nature of Pei Wen Shi Yun,the version and content of private adaptations of Pei Wen Shi Yun,etc.This paper also introduced the content arrangement and the publication of Zhou Zhaoji's Pei Wen Shi Yun Shi Yao in Qing dynasty in detail.The significance of studying rhyme books of poetry is that it can fully reflect the heritage,development and evolution of traditional Chinese rhyme books since Qie Yun(切韵)and the related cultural bistory of the imperial examination system in Qing dynasty.
作者 张民权 许文静 Zhang Minquan;Xu Wenjing
出处 《民俗典籍文字研究》 2022年第2期83-100,276-277,共20页
关键词 清代官韵 著述源流 民间改编 诗韵流变 形式多样 official rhyme in Qing dynasty origins of books folk adaptations various forms
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