

On Rearch of Chinese Culture and Society by Léon Vandermeersch
摘要 法国汉学家汪德迈研究中国社会文化的学说在当代中国学研究领域具有突出的地位和影响,他从中国古代语言文字学的角度,找到了撬动中国古代社会研究的杠杆。他在沙畹法国汉学的基础上,进一步吸收中国国学、日本汉学和越南汉学的成果并加以整体超越,系统研究中国古代社会制度、中国儒学、中国哲学史、中国思想史、汉文化圈和中国文学。他摒弃以往用西方概念套用中国研究的模式,在中国思想文化与中国社会形态研究上做出历史性的新贡献。他努力将中国学研究推向法国和欧洲以外的更广阔的世界,促进人类共享优秀文化的建设。他重视把海外中国学研究向中外教育学方向拓展,与中国同行共同培养具有跨文化视野的、了解中国文化和中国社会的新型国际汉学人才。此外,在新冠疫情肆虐全球的今天,了解汪德迈肯定中国集体性文化传统的深意,也不无启示。 Léon Vandermeersch,a well-known French sinologist who studies the ancient society and culture of China by the way of researching Chinese ideogram,especially from its origional form of oracle bone inscriptions,has a prominent position and extensive influence in the field of modern Chinese studies in both Europe and France.What he mostly discovered is the meaning and the founction of oracle bone inscription created by ancester of Chinese in the early time of Chinese history and takes it as the lever to leverage the study of ancient Chinese society.Based on the pioneer sinologists Edouard Chavannes and Paul Demieville,Léon Vandermeersch began his research of sinology further absorbed the achievements of traditional Chinese study,Japanese sinology and Vietnamese Sinology,and systematically studied the ancient Chinese social system,Chinese Confucianism,Chinese philosophy history,Chinese thought history,Han culture circle and Chinese literature.He makes great historic achievements in the study of chinese ideology and culture and chinese social formation by abandoning to use the western concept to the study of china,fighting against the western cultural andacademic prejudice.He made great efforts to push Chinese studies to the wider world outside France and Europe,and to promote the construction of the sharing excellent culture of humankind.He attaches great importance to expanding the study of overseas Chinese to the direction of Chinese and foreign pedagogy,and works with Chinese counterparts to train new international Sinology talents with transcultural vision to understand Chinese culture and Chinese society.It is also of practical significance to understand Léon Vandermeersch’s positive affirmation of China’s collective cultural tradition during the epidemic time of COVID-19.
作者 董晓萍 Dong Xiaoping
出处 《民俗典籍文字研究》 2020年第2期67-75,281,共10页
基金 教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目“跨文化视野下的民俗文化研究”(批准号:19JJD7500003)的阶段性成果
关键词 汪德迈 法国汉学 当代中国学 文化自信 跨文化交流 Léon Vandermeersch French sinology modern study of Chinese study cultural confidence intercultural communication
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