This is big issuer that how to recognize the popular mentality especially on the aspect of god worship and morality of China,and controversial topics between China and the West in the scholarly history which needs to be focused on.Why is there a difference?because it has been discussed by using western concept and the method of western religion study even in both China and the West.In fact,China is a unreligious country in which the dominant ideology has been Confucianism,absorbing the Buddhism and Daoism.This is the ideology that created a splendid well-known Chinese historical civilization which is completely different from the western religious world.Of course there is also a god worship in China,but this at most sub-religion lower than the morality system and can not contribute much ideas to the popular mentality.There are two very different ideological and cultural systems in China and the West,and,and the study of Chinese social culture can not be dogmatically instructed by the western theory.Another,the limited research in the past in this aspect is mostly concerned with the Chinese classics which is not enough,but also to pay attention to materials collected from local and lower society such as huge folktales narrited by common people so as to approach the real resource,maybe the most important thought resource directly preserve the ideas of god worship and morality from the Chinese common people.The author is the first western scholar among the American sinologist who makes use of those authoritative folktales of China(mainly came from the central and southern Hebei)todiscussthisissuei.nthispaper he constructed the Chinese morality discourse system by making using of several basic but almost the most important ideas including the thought of cooperation between gods and people,the demonology,the relationship between the gods,people and its social stratification,and the interaction and class struggle between them,and the collective ceremony and cultural heritage in the communities,etc.
R.David Arkush;Dong Xiaoping
R.David Arkush
American sinologist
method of study of popular mentality
Chinese folktales
central and southern Hebei Province