法国国家图书馆是举世闻名的世界图书资源宝库,也是法国汉学研究的重镇。14世纪国王查理五世(Charles V)颁布敕令,将历代皇家保存的近千种文献,集中收藏于罗浮宫图书馆,由此诞生法国皇家图书馆,至今已有650年的历史。该馆收藏中文图书逾300年,超过15万册,尤以收藏敦煌文献著名,为法国汉学和中国学术界的海外汉学研究提供了独特的学术文化舞台。了解法国国家图书馆馆藏的中文图书,认识它的存藏历史与利用现状,讨论它与中法学者研究工作的联系,是当今方兴未艾的跨文化研究与交流必须开展的一项工作。
The National Library of France is a well-known academic resource in the world,and also a platform of French Sinology.King Charles V established the former site of the imperial library where collected nearly a thousands documents,then it became a modern national library after 650 years development.The library now has collected more than 300 years of Chinese books and kept more than 150000 books,especially the Dunhuang Grottoes documents,which provides a unique academic and cultural stage for both French Sinology and the study of Chinese culture.It is necessary to understand these Chinese collections by the National Library of France,to understand its history and utilization,and to develop the relationship between the Chinese and French scholars,which is now meeting the needs of transcultural studies and communication.
National Library of France(Bibliothèque nationale de France(BNF))
Site Richelieu
Chinese collection