

The Revolutionary Reconstruction of Socialist Community Culture from the Perspective of Materialism——A Philosophical Interpretation of Raymond Williams'Cultural Theory
摘要 文化是20世纪以来英国文化马克思主义的思想基点,也是雷蒙德·威廉斯文化观、文化唯物主义的关键词。威廉斯以唯物主义作为基本方法论,对当时英国社会的文化、教育展开了研究并进行了实践,为伯明翰文化学派开辟了“元”文化理论构建的马克思主义范式。在他看来,文化是一种总体性的生活方式,是由社会大众生活所凝结的价值观念、感觉结构,既具有书籍、器具等物质性特点,也具有语言艺术等表意性的精神特点,有融聚物质性与精神性于一体的本质特征。基于此,威廉斯提出了其社会主义共同体文化建设的构想,倡导要从人们的生活方式、感觉结构等方面出发,以文化革命的方式夺回本属于多数人的社会教育平等权利、大众文化传播权利以及文化主导权,赋予文化以日常化、大众化、平权化的特点,打破精英文化桎梏,重构社会主义共同体文化。 Culture is the ideological basis of British cultural Marxism since the 20th century,and it's also the keyword of Raymond Williams'cultural view and cultural materialism.Williams used materialism as the basic methodology to carry out practice and research on the culture and education of British society at that time,and opened up the Marxist paradigm of“meta”cultural theory construction for the Birmingham Cultural School.In his opinions,culture is an overall way of life,a value concept and structure of feelings condensed by the life of the general public.It has both material characteristics such as books and utensils,and expressive spiritual characteristics such as language and art.Therefore,culture has the essential characteristic of integrating materiality and spirituality.Based on this,Williams put forward his conception of the cultural construction of the socialist community,advocating that from the aspects of people's ways of life,structure of feelings,etc.,to take back the equal rights of social education and mass culture communication that belong to the majority in the form of cultural revolution and cultural dominance,endow the culture with the characteristics of dailyization,popularization,and equality,break the shackles of elite culture,and reconstruct the culture of the socialist community.
作者 魏海华 Wei Haihua
出处 《马克思主义文化研究》 2022年第2期48-59,共12页 Study on Marxist Cultural
基金 中央马工程重大项目与国家社科基金重大项目“加强党内政治文化建设研究”(2017YZD10) 江苏省社科基金一般项目“建构思想文化高地的文化理论与文化战略研究”(19WTB002)阶段性成果
关键词 唯物主义 生活方式 感觉结构 共同文化 Materialism Ways of Life Structure of Feelings Common Culture
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  • 1.《马克思恩格斯选集》第1卷[M].人民出版社,1995年.第61页.
  • 2尼古拉斯·阿伯克龙比 张永喜 鲍贵 陈光明译.《电视与社会》[M].南京大学出版社,2001.36、245页.
  • 3约翰·菲斯克.《电视文化》,祁阿红,张鲲译.商务印书馆,2005年版,第5页.
  • 4安德鲁·古德温,加里·惠内尔.《电视的真相》.中央编译出版社,2001年1月第1,第82页,第83页.
  • 5Ederyn Williams, "Foreword to The Second Edition", in Raymond Williams, Television: Technology and Cultural Form, Routledge, 1990, p. 8.
  • 6特里·伊格尔顿.《纵论雷·威廉斯》,载《马克思主义美学研究》第2辑,广西师范大学出版社1999年版.
  • 7Raymond Williams, Television: Technology and Cultural Form, p. 7.
  • 8马庆平.《外国广播电视史》,北京广播学院出版社1999年版,第167-169页.
  • 9Raymond Williams, "Preface", in Alan O'Conner ( ed. ), Raymond Williams on Television: Selected Writings, Roufledge, 1989, p. xi.
  • 10Raymond Williams, "The Magic System", New Left Review, No. 4 (July-August 1960 ).









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