

Marxist Youth’s Growth Path from Learning and Seeing Marxism to Being Loyal to and Practising Marxism from Ideological Perspective
摘要 青年是国家的未来,民族的希望,中华民族的伟大复兴需要一代又一代青年的接力奋斗才能实现。在全面建成中国特色社会主义伟大事业进入小康社会的新时代,特别需要汇聚全社会的磅礴力量,尤其是需要聚集有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的广大青年力量。本文认为,青年马克思主义成长路径有其内在逻辑:以"学马""见马"即端正学习态度,接触遇见、学习研读、了解掌握马克思主义为成长起点;以"言马""宣马"即拓宽学习路径,言说活用、解释宣传、推进马克思主义为重要前提;以"姓马""信马"即坚持信奉习惯,把实现共产主义远大理想作为奋斗终生的基本特征;以"忠马""践马"即增强学用效果,把忠实维护、实践运用马克思主义为根本归宿。在这个过程逻辑与发展路径中:只有学习接触、真正遇见、研读掌握了马克思主义的内涵真知,才能更好地"言马""宣马"即言说、传播马克思主义,也才能有足够的理论支撑去做一名真正坚定的马克思主义者,也才能真正地忠诚维护、实践运用马克思主义理论的真理性、大众性、科学性,也才能加快推进马克思主义中国化、时代化、大众化步伐。 Youth is future of the country and hope of the nation,the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation can only be realized through the relay struggle of young generations.As the great cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era,it is particularly necessary to bring together the mighty forces of the whole society and,in particular,the vast forces of the young people who have ideals,morals,culture and discipline.This paper claims that the inner logic of the Marxist youth’spath is:learning and seeing Marxism,which is to correct the attitude of learning,to meet,learn,study,understand and master Marxism,is the starting point of growth;speaking and propagating Marxism,which is to broaden the learning path,to flexibly use and speak,to explain,propagate and promote Marxism,is the important premise;naming and believing Marxist,which is to stick to belief habbit,to regard realizing the lofty ideal of communism as the basic characteristics of life-long struggle;being loyal to and practising Marxism,that is to enhance the effect of learning,to faithfully maintain,practice and application of Marxism,is the fundamental end-result.In this process logic and development path:only by learning,really meeting,studying and mastering the true knowledge of Marxismconnotation,can we better"speak"and"propagate"Marxism,that is to say,spread Marxism,and only then can we have enough theoretical support to be a truly steadfast Marxist,loyally maintain and practice the truth,popularity and scientificity of Marxist theory,and quicken the pace of sinicization,modernization and popularization of Marxism.
作者 王华彪 Wang Huabiao
出处 《马克思主义文化研究》 2021年第1期133-143,共11页 Study on Marxist Cultural
基金 2019年河北省社会科学基金项目“互联网+背景下高校意识形态工作领导权管理权话语权研究”(HB19MK022)的阶段性成果
关键词 意识形态 青年马克思主义者 马克思主义中国化 Ideology The Young Marxist Sinicization of Marxism
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