
构建“人类命运共同体”倡议与阶级斗争理论的逻辑张力和话语调适 被引量:1

The Logic Tension and Discourse Tuning between “Community of Shared Future for Mankind” Initiative and Class Struggle Theory
摘要 构建"人类命运共同体"倡议强调各国同住"地球村",应该搁置社会制度、意识形态的不同与偏见来应对人类共同面临的时代课题,但这并不意味着"人类命运共同体"就是"去意识形态化"。当前国内学术界在构建"人类命运共同体"倡议的研究和宣传中,存在过于拘泥构建"人类命运共同体"倡议本身的解读和论证而缺乏阶级逻辑的视野;过于突出对人类未来美好生活愿景的阐发而忽视现实中不平等的世界秩序和激烈的国际阶级斗争等缺点。作为具有不同逻辑理路和话语风格的两种理论,构建"人类命运共同体"倡议与马克思主义阶级斗争理论在外交策略与价值追求、理想主义与现实主义、世界主义与爱国主义等方面存在较为明显的逻辑张力和话语分殊。中国特色社会主义进入新时代,加强"人类命运共同体"的对外话语权建设,提高国家文化软实力,需要处理好构建"人类命运共同体"倡议与马克思主义阶级斗争理论的关系,实现二者之间的逻辑整合和话语重塑。具体而言,需要在对外话语构建的过程中,处理好国际通约性和意识形态性的关系;在普及传播的过程中,理顺内宣外宣体制,做到话语表达上的内外有别。 The"Community of Shared Future for Mankind"initiative claims that all countries live in a"global village"and should put aside the differences and prejudice in social system and ideology to handle with the common issues mankind face.However,it does not mean that the community is de-ideology.At present,in the research and propaganda of the initiative,domestic academia is too rigid in the interpretation and demonstration of the concept and lack the vision of class logic;take too much emphasis on the explication of a better future for mankind and ignore the reality of the unequal world order and fierce international class struggle.As two different discourse systems,there are very obvious logical tension and discourse conflict in diplomatic strategy and value pursuit,idealism and realism,cosmopolitanism and patriotism between the concept of"Community of Shared Future for Mankind"initiative and the Marxist theory of class struggle.Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era,in order to strengthen the building of the external discourse power of"Community of Shared Future for Mankind"and enhance China’s cultural soft power,it is necessary to properly handle the relationship between the concept of"Community of Shared Future for Mankind"and the class struggle theory,so as to realize the logical integration and discourse remolding.To be specific,it is necessary to deal with the relationship between international inclusiveness and ideology in the process of constructing foreign discourse;and straighten out the internal and external publicity system in the process of popularization and propagation,which achieves the difference between internal and external discourse expression.
作者 许洪位 Xu Hongwei
出处 《马克思主义文化研究》 2021年第1期13-27,共15页 Study on Marxist Cultural
关键词 “人类命运共同体” 阶级斗争理论 文化软实力 话语权建设 Community with Shared Future for Mankind Class Struggle Theory Cultural Soft Power Discourse Power Construction
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