
铁肩担道义 妙笔著文章——新时代文艺工作者的责任和使命 被引量:1

To Shoulder the Morality,to Write Beautifully——The Responsibilities and Missions of Literary and Art Workers in the New Era
摘要 中国特色社会主义进入了新时代,新的历史起点和历史方位为文艺工作者提供了新的机遇,也提出了新的更高的要求和期望。我国文艺历来有忧国忧民的优良传统,我国知识分子历来有"先天下之忧而忧"的家国情怀,广大文艺工作者应牢记自己的初心和使命,承前启后,继往开来,以赤诚之笔书写波澜壮阔的时代史诗和跌宕起伏的人物命运,创作更多无愧于时代、无愧于人民并能传之后世的精品力作。习近平总书记高度重视文艺的地位和作用,在不同场合有过多次论述。基于他的讲话文本,可从"心怀祖国人民、响应时代召唤、追求艺术理想"三个方面来梳理和认识新时代文艺工作者的责任和使命,其中又可延伸出文艺与时代的关系,文艺的作用与本质等问题,这些都是新时代文艺事业发展不容忽视的问题。 As Socialism with Chinese Characteristics has entered a new era,the new historical starting point and historical orientation not only provide new opportunities for literary and art workers,but also put forward new higher requirements and expectations.China’s literature and art have always own a fine tradition of worrying about the country and the people,and Chinese intellectuals have always possess the patriotic feeling of"worrying about the world first".The majority of literary and art workers should keep in mind their original intention and mission.They should serve as a link between past and future,write down the magnificent epic of the new era and the ups downs of every ordinary person with absolute sincerity,and create more fine works which is worthy of the time and the people.Therefore,these can be handed down to the next generations.President Xi pays high attention to the effect of literature and art,and he talks about it in many different occasions.Based on his speeches,we can comprehend the responsibilities of literary wor-?ers in three dimensions:put the country and the people in the heart;answer the call of the time;pursue a pure artistic ideal.There are also some related questions such as the relationship between literature and times,and the effect and essence of literature and so on.All of these are very important questions for literature development in the new era.
作者 黄宁 Huang Ning
机构地区 中央文献出版社
出处 《马克思主义文化研究》 2020年第1期162-172,共11页 Study on Marxist Cultural
基金 2017年度中央编译局马克思主义传播研究基地重大课题“习近平文艺思想研究”(课题编号2017003)的阶段性成果之一
关键词 新时代 文艺工作者 责任 使命 New Era Literary and Art Workers Responsibility Mission
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