
自信来自中国哲学文化本身的源头 被引量:1

Cultural Self-confidence of China Derives from the Source of Its Philosophy
摘要 以儒学为主干的优秀中国传统文化的自信力来自哲学文化本身的源头。昔日中国文化自信不足是西方殖民主义暴力和西方中心主义殖民文化造成的。今天中国文化自信的回归,重要原因之一是中国20世纪50年代以来的政治崛起,及80年代用中国文化成功克服了市场经济新自由主义文化。改革开放的成功是马克思主义与中国实际相结合的成功;是将西方市场经济之矛掌握在自己手里,来克服原教旨自由主义市场本身的弊病。新自由主义崇拜看不见的手,而我们认为看不见的手不是万能的,必须加上国家领导与宏观调控的手。西方现代自由主义文化在全世界推广"普世价值"的过程也成为这些"普世价值"衰落的过程,以儒学为主干的中华传统文化自信的根本支点来自深层文化结构。今天中国走到了要在比较中西大格局中取得自己文化自觉的时刻,根本逻辑是了解了"个人主义意识形态"的谬误,是囿于"人是什么"这一根本哲学问题的。中国哲学关于"人是什么"的思想是早熟而智慧的。深受西方自由主义影响的今日中国须意识到,讲"价值观"不要误入"自由主义""个人主义"范畴。同时须特别注意,在说中国优秀传统文化的自信力是"来自中国哲学文化本身的源头"之时,这绝不是在说马克思主义在中国的思想指导地位可以有丝毫的动摇。 The self-confidence of Chinese traditional culture with Confucianism as the main-stream derives from the very source of Chinese philosophy.That Chinese culture failed in maintaining its cultural self-confidence was due to the prevalence of Western colonial violence and culture in China in modern times One of the strongest reasons for the return of China’s cultural self-confidence is China’s political rise in the 1950s and China’s thought and culture overcoming successfully the ills of the classic and neo-liberal market economy.The successfulness of China’s economic reform and opening-up have been that of the combination of China’s practice fitting in with the Chinese circumstances and on her own terms;that is,China has carried the spear of Western market economy in hand,only with it to overcome the problematic fundamentalist ideas of liberal market system.While Neo-iberalism promotes the belief in"The Invisible Hand,"China believes"the invisible hand"is not everything,a hand of the leadership of the Central Government,or a hand of macroscopic monitoring is necessary.One must do so in order to achieve a successful economy in China in utilizing a market mechanism.The process of the worldwide promotion of modern Western liberalism in name of universal values has eventually turned out to be that of these values’declining.The fundamental sustaining ground of the self-confidence of Chinese traditional culture with Confucianism as its mainstream has derived from its profound cultural structure.Today’s China has come to a historical turning point where it must gain cultural self-consciousness in a vision of the great context in terms of comparative Chinese-Western philosophy and culture.The profound logic lies in the fact that the one must gain an awareness that the ideology of individualism was a fiction and thus a philosophic fallacy;the question"what is a person"was a confusing philosophic issue in the very beginning.To this"what is a person"issue,however,China’s had been a mature philosophy and culture of wisdom since the early period of its tradition.Today’s China,already tremendously influenced by Western liberalism,must regain a comprehension that the talk on"values"in China must not fall into the categories of the ideology of liberalism and individualism.When we say China derives its cultural self-confidence from the very source of its traditional philosophy and culture,it is worthwhile paying some special attention that we are not saying that the guiding status of Marxism in Chinese ideology could even have a shred of wavering.
作者 田辰山 Tian Chenshan
机构地区 北京外国语大学
出处 《马克思主义文化研究》 2020年第1期57-77,共21页 Study on Marxist Cultural
关键词 文化自信 “一多不分” “一多二元” 比较中西哲学 个人主义意识形态 Cultural Self-confidence Inseparability of One and Many Transcendentalism and Dualism Comparative Chinese and Western Philosophy Ideology of Individualism
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