

Allowing Another World to Exist:Theoretical Claims and Utopian Tendencies of the Aesthetic Avant-garde School
摘要 “审美先锋派”是对20世纪先锋派艺术的一种理论概括,是在马克思主义美学及左翼美学的支撑下提炼出来的。审美先锋派并不是自为的艺术,立足的是“艺术改变世界”的理念,从自律走向了他律。通过融入生活世界,参与政治活动的艺术实践行为,审美先锋派期望达到改变世界的目的。作为艺术的审美先锋派,介入现实世界更多地是通过审美革命引发主体感受经验的变革,从而达到改变世界的目的。目前,审美先锋派已历三代,其言称的改变世界并没有如期实现,更多地体现了乌托邦倾向。 Aesthetic avant-garde is a summary of avant garde art in the 20th century,extracted from the support of Marxist aesthetics and left-wing aesthetics.Avant-garde aesthetic movement is not a self-made art,but is based on the concept of“art changing the world”,and has moved from self-regulation to other-regulation.By integrating into the life world and participating in political activities,the avant-garde aesthetic school aims to achieve the goal of changing the world.As the avant-garde aesthetic movement in art,intervening in the real world is more about triggering changes in the subject's feeling experience through aesthetic revolution,in order to achieve the goal of changing the world.At present,the avant-garde aesthetic movement has gone through three generations,but its claim of changing the world has not been realized as expected,and it embodies more utopian tendencies.
作者 张良丛 Liangcong ZHANG(Changjiang Normal University)
出处 《马克思主义美学研究》 2024年第1期3-14,471,共13页 Research on Marxist Aesthetics
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“马克思主义美学话语体系的历史演变和范式转换研究”(22JZD005)阶段性成果
关键词 审美先锋派 审美革命 乌托邦倾向 阿列西·艾尔雅维奇 先锋派艺术 Avant-garde aesthetic movement aesthetic revolution utopian tendency Ales Erjavec avant-garde art
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  • 1谢劲松.《胡塞尔的生活世界及其悖论》,转引自尹树广,黄惠珍编.《生活世界理论》,第161页.
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